[Q] How do you remove a single item out of storage

I am curious as to how, either I am missing something, or I am unable to.

For example. I tried to remove a forge from the vault to place it, and was unable to click it out. instead I had to exclude it from the vault just to have a person remove it. thankfully I didnt have a bunch of tools in there.

This doesnt seem right to me. you should be able to manually click out a single item if you want to.

Hit P to open up the Place Item menu and place it from there

yes there is that way. however what if it is an item that isnt placable. such as if I really want to be ocd and have only certain types of food in a crate. such as having all my animal feed in one crate without it being mixed in with the reg food

That has to do with the storage filter tags. I know many people have asked for it and Yang has said she would look into it in another thread.

If you really, really want to be OCD, you can manually change the filter tags yourself in the .json files. Though, I’m not a coder so I wouldn’t be much help with that.

I’d personally like more specific storage filters too.

yah I dont mess around with the .json files.

at this particular moment, I am not too worried about it since I can only play so far into the game anyways.