Professor's Army of Voxels

oh definitely… good call, it looks much better! :+1:

yep, good progress there

The skull fits the Wolfman perfectly, does that mean I will have to kill my villagers for their skulls to make armour? If so Im all up for killing the Emos and weaklings first! (If we are gonna use their bones then can I make my village cannibals aswell? so I dont waste their meat?

As I first stated, they are carved to fit their heads. They most likely will be bear heads or something like that!

I was looking forward to killing my own people for armour, Awww

cue awesome music

It is here! FINALLY! WOOT!
Pictures of Charlie… in ACTION!

The first picture is him waving! The second is him being curious!

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P.S. More coming today! Charlie HYPE!

cant wait to see them… :+1:

and again, this guy is definitely not coming across as a fearsome beast… Charlie is just too darn cute, what with his blue puppy-dog eyes, and his lovely brown loincloth… :smile:

The bugger ate my three little pigs, You can call him ‘cute’ I call him a goddamn menace!

Pulls out rifle and aims down the barrel

You better watch your mouth, or I will MAKE him thirsty for your blood! Besides, only I can kill him, I own his model! BWAHAHA!!!

Anyways, here is another picture of him. He is greeted by a human, and I used some terrain in this photo!
Really an experiment, but leave a :+1: if you like it! :slight_smile:

That poor human doesn’t know the intensity burning within Charlie, someone get a mop!


I want to put a bullet between his eyes SO MUCH!!!

ehhh… right… Let’s ease up on the overly “expressive” comments, if you would be so kind… :wink:

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Ok, so after starting to animate with sound( which will go on YT soon! :smiley: ) I salvaged this picture!

If you can’t see, he’s taking his first steps! :+1: for Charlie!

@Newf I don’t understand why you dislike my model so much, is it that you are thinking that I copied you? I got the idea for a wolf-man from my pet dog…

Hes just jealous of your skills :stuck_out_tongue:
btw, keep up the good work :wink:

Who said I didnt like your model? I just dont like wolves, I watched a film about wolves that eat children once and now im half traumatised, I love dogs but hate wolves, Its wierd I know


@Newf Oh, ok good. I am glad it’s not my models… why did you watch a film like that!?

Lets just say that my grandparents have an attention span of a sparrow, They do not pay attention. They once let me watch a movie where a small girl only 5 or 7 got eaten by a horse and thats the not gruesome description.

Here’s today’s update: I am starting work on Charlie’s fighting animation. It… well… can use work, but here is a picture of him punching!
Note: This is a W.I.P! I will have better animations soon!

He’s lifting his hand for an uppercut! Leave a :+1: for more fighting!

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im not reading “punch” in the image, but then again, its hard to read animation in a still… :smile:

keep up the good work… Charlie! Charlie!