Peaceful Game not working (Candledark Installed)

Peacefull Game

When I chose peacefull game still apear monsters

Hey there @fernando_fernandes, welcome to the Discourse! Can you let us know what version you are playing and if you have any mods installed? Also can you try the following so we can confirm the game mode:

Open the console in game by hitting ctrl + c on your keyboard, then enter the following command:

call get_game_mode&obj=stonehearth.game_creation (type enter when complete)

You should then see either:

  "result": "stonehearth:game_mode:normal"


  "result": "stonehearth:game_mode:peaceful"

Let us know the result.


Edit: typo in command

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@jomaxro I’m using Alpha 13 (release 489) x64 built with no mods.
I´ve entered the command you gave me and apeared:

Whoops, sorry! Typo in the command. Try this please:
call get_game_mode&obj=stonehearth.game_creation

I’ve started a new game and chose peaceful game

Then I’ve tried the command and got the result.

OK, but you are still seeing enemies? I just created 7 different peaceful games and let them run for at least 3 days, did not see any enemies…

And in the second night " the Undead burst from the ground"

That looks like @Froggy’s mod Candledark…it will generate monsters even in Peaceful mode…

Can you check the following folder (assuming you installed via Steam) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\mods and let me know the contents?

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Oh I haven´t seen the mods folder.
There are:

Alright, so Radiant, Rayyas_children, Rayyas_children_ui, and Stonehearth are all part of the game itself. Candledark was a Halloween mod from @Froggy which you likely installed when it was featured in a blog post. I would assume Russian is a translation mod, but I am not sure about that one. If you want to play peaceful mode without the undead, you will need to delete (or move) Candledark.


Oh I see… thank you so much bro :grin: :+1:

No problem! Glad we were able to figure it out. Have fun! :smile:

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