Pathfinding over 90,00 %

hey there,
with this being my first post and all plz dont be rough,
but i found it mildly interresting that when my game is paused and i click the Memory bar it says that it’s using between
90% and 93% of the Memory just for pathfinding, when all the characters are standing still.
if anyone knows why plz tell i would like to know?
this guy


hey there @michielbla, welcome to the discourse :smile:

[quote=“michielbla, post:1, topic:16997”]
with this being my first post and all plz dont be rough,
[/quote]dont worry, if anyone were to be rough to you i would have a little chat with them :wink:

could you perhaps provide your system specs?

and are you playing the A11 “stable” release or A12 “unstable” build?

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Happens to me too even at the start of a new game.

The pathfinder runs even while the characters are paused. You can use this if they’re all idling – pause and it’ll give your workers a chance for their brains to catch up.

Not sure what’s going on if you havent’ sent them anywhere yet though.

Thought I would be the only one here since my thread got lost in the forum without anybody responding :smiley:
Hope they’re going to fix this

Ya that happens to me also right from the start of a new game, the path finding is already at 95% and i didn’t even do anything yet. Its like that with and without the experimental stuff being turned on.

its not the pathfinding… even in main menu after start the game, your (yes and my…) cpu powered tooooo hight.

Windows10 last Insider Build, i5-4690.

Please, mind your language, @PhilipPino. This is a family friendly forum.

The game does not use Java (well, javascript is for some functionality of the UI, but java is not javascript). So the high cpu is not caused by that.


i am playing the A12 pre-release on windows 10 pro
ii-7 4930k 3,40GHz
and a nvidea 780ti
so hardware is pretty much never the problem but some other replies said they have the same thing happening so i guess its in the coding but thank you for your time anyway :grin:

Hey @michielbla, pathfinding is currently being worked on, along with some other issues that have been affecting performance. If you want to give it a try, the new (experimental) pathfinder can be enabled in the gameplay setting of the latest alpha. There are some issues (like failing to make it through doors), but overall it seems much better from a performance perspective.

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i try this and any others… it is not (only) the pathfinding sys (yes it shows… but in menu you have also hight cpu…)

The pathfinding is done by the cpu, as well as anything else that shows in the coloured bar in the lower right of the screen.

I tried the new pathfinder and it didn’t helped, but what helped was when I switched back to alpha 11.
So I hope they gonna fix thix asap