Overlapping placed trees stack

When placing harvested oak trees on the ground, they can stack on top of each other if the leaves overlap.

This ends up crating a fairly epic tree stack when there are say… 80+ trees clumped together trunk-to-trunk.

To recreate this bug, place some trees next to each other with their trunks touching. Some will get placed normally while adjacent trees jump up.


One of the Cannon brothers actually did something similar when demonstrating the tree growing stuff in a Stream, so I think they already know about it. Nice stack though!


Impressive, If you’ll continue I think one might encounter giants. I think you should use the bug to create an awesome tree city :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol. Think I might test to see if there’s a “top” that will break things.


I’m sure there is a top of the world, but the tree stack when it has fully grown still doesn’t touch it.

Tree stack all grown up. I tried to start chopping it down and only the first 3 levels update and fall to the ground. The rest of the tree stack is now floating.


Ok, building ladders up to the base of the trees seems to update them and they fall to the ground. These will be very tall ladders to get to the very top…

Very tall ladders update:

I have defeated the great tower of trees! For glory! For honor! For WOOD!!!


Continue! For the glory of Cid!

Shall we really consider this a bug?
I mean, look at that EPIC tree tower with all the mist on the surroundings, the rest of trees looking so small due to the height… It’s like making a card castle. :laughing:


Still a bug in Alpha 12 release 472.
Bug only an issue if multiple tree saplings are placed next to each other (or directly on top of one another) before placed (still ghosted). Once placed, no overlap is allowed by game…


This is probably one of my most favorite bugs so far! I think they should keep it in as a feature. Call it the “beanstalk” method


Still an issue in #a14r524::tag. Seems that the ghost saplings do not have collision regions, and can be placed overlapping each other. A sapling cannot be placed to overlap with an already placed sapling.

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Steps to reproduce:

  1. Get some of the tree saplings
  2. Go into the place objects menu
  3. Place one tree and then before it has been planted click another tree inside of the other

Expected Results:
Either not being allowed to place or the tree growing inside of the other
Actual Results:
The later placed tree(s) get put on top of the already placed one
Floating trees
Version Number and Mods in use:
release-537 (x64), none
System Information:


i accidentally placed tree sappling ontop of each other.

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Hey @PulseLazor, welcome back!

I merged your post here, have some existing reports on stacking trees already.

ah thank you, sorry i didnt knew other people had this glitch

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No need to apologize, that’s what us mods are here for.

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Steps to reproduce:

  1. Plant a tree.
  2. Plant another tree within the same space.
  3. Wait until trees have been planted.

Expected Results:
One tree would be planted, then the second would give an error/be canceled.
Actual Results:
The first tree was planted, then the second was placed on top of it.
This can happen more than once, (a third tree can be planted on top of the second one.)

Version Number and Mods in use:
Release - 549 (64 bit)
No mods.
System Information:

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I have had an issue with something similar, I have had 2 log piles on each other and I have also had Hearthlings get stuck on both stone and log piles since they cant not get down they have starved unless I removed the pile

I’ve had a tree place on top of a hearthling as well. I found them when they started dying from starvation, but by the time I was able to cut down the tree they didn’t have enough time to make it to food.

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Known bug :smiley: … but can not find the thread

Use the power of the console Luke.
There is a teleport order.