@DAWGaMims The simple answer is that tabletop miniatures cost a lot more than videogames do. So their pledge levels require more money roughly 1:3 more as you can see by the pledgers to money ratio.
I myself dropped $265 on Myth, $100 on the captain level, and $165 on add-ons. It’s paying easily less than $1 per miniatures, if you only got the captain level at $100. you’re only paying .50ish cents per miniature. It was a steal of a bargain, 'cause normally you’d be dropping $50 on 6-10 miniatures.
Simply, miniatures cost more, and you get more bang for your buck.
Here, the majority of people are good with a $30 pledge, which is 1/3rd less than the majority pledge on miniatures. It’s pretty simple. Games cost less to buy so people don’t need to pledge as much to get what they want.
And they’re doing perfectly fine with the options they have available, the key with videogames isn’t people spending more money, it’s word of mouth. It’s getting more people interested into the game so more people pledge the $30 to jump on the beta. video games have a wider demographic. We need to utilize that wider demographic. I myself, know for sure I’ve introduced the game to at least 5 other people, all of whom have dropped $30 for the beta level. That’s $150 right there. and I know they’ve all at least invited 1 other person as well, so that’s another $150. that’s me netting the project $300.
If even HALF of the current backers bothered to get a few friends into it. Hell even just 1 friend apart from yourself backing this for $30 (cause let’s face it, most people want beta) then we’d be at $491,079 and if everyone currently backing it got simply 1 more person to back it at the $30 mark, we’d be at $649,269. If people just simply threw the link up on their facebook, who knows how many people would click on it or check it out. just show them the video, Half the time that’s all it took for me, but you have to talk about this game. WE HAVE to talk about this game, to our friends, to everyone we’d think would be interested, because this game IS interesting, and people WOULD be interested. But WE have to get doing it