Of consoles and stonehearth

I will be using this article to explain why the wii U would be the best current-gen console for stone hearth. But before I start, let me put up a few disclaimers: Yes, I am a nintendork. No, I don’t expect the wii U to survive long enough to see Stonehearth’s full-game release. But, I’m gonna do this anyway.

Part 1: Replacing the mouse.

This one has a rather simple solution. We just switch out the mouse for the gamepad’s stylus. Even if you didn’t want to use the stylus, or you didn’t have the stylus, you could just use the A/B button as well as the right joystick, although this might prove difficult when attemting to make custom buildings, but possibly be more efficent when making stockpiles.

Part 2: Replacing the keyboard.

First off, the camera angles. Moving the left joystick would move the camera foward, back, and such. “q” and “e” would be replaced by the “left” and “right” buttons on the top of the gamepad. and typing in new names and stuff would simply be taping/selecting buttons on the gamepad screen

Tell me what you guys think (please no angry rants, this was just for fun, okay? ) and I’ll see yall’ later!


hmm… an interesting thought. it would be interesting to see stonehearth go onto consoles
though i’m not exactly a fan of nintendo/wii :laughing:

Fine by me, as long as you don’t raise an army of undead Xbox fans!

nah, Play Station, not xbox! :wink:

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Good. Now I won’t have to summon the calvary!


You’re plenty right. The Wii U fits very well because of the accessibility it gives you through the remote and the pad

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this game would totally work on the wii u. Does the team have any plans to release it on a console?


I don’t think they have any plans at the moment. But that made me realize, if stonehearth gets into beta soon enough, they actually could show up on the wii U since Nintendo is starting to do early access!


butbutbut glorious PC gaming master race!..

Also, how do you envision mods to work? I see Stonehearth not just as a game but as a powerful platform for mods. It seems like releasing it on any console will eliminate that advantage / feature.



I’m pretty sure it would go down the same path minecraft has.

Well, I agree, but, this wan’t something that said Stonehearth should show up on consoles, but more like why, if stonehearth went on consoles, wii U would be the right choice. But I totally agree on stonehearth remaining a very mod-friendly game.

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what about on the ds? i can imagine kids playing this on their ds.

[quote=“Moai, post:9, topic:14802”]
butbutbut glorious PC gaming master race!..
[/quote] as for this, PC is still awesome, but this game is great enough to be spread across platforms.



You’re very right… DS seems like a very good fit. 3D Stonhearth :smiley:

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just gonna put it out there, to my knowledge, stonehearth will only be PC, not for consoles.

how soon do you consider soon? we still have at least half, if not more, of the promised features to get implemented before beta, and thats not even including all the sneaky behind the scenes features no one knows about yet. :wink:


Well, it was fun thinking up that “what if” anyway. As for getting into beta, I heard I think it was Tom say that they’d like to enter beta by the end of the year. But, who knows? Only time will tell.

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whoop whoop playstation :koala:

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indeed, playstation rules over all other consoles*, PS1 & PS2 to be precise, and maybe a bit of PS3 :wink:

*except for PC master race.

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All the consols have their ups and downs but i think discussing it here would be kinda off topic.

And yeah Wii U would deffinetly be a good fit if a consol port was made.

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I’d but a Wii U port. Honestly, with Minecraft being on all the other consoles, Nintendo could use a cutesy, community-friendly game with high modding potential. I suppose the real trick is getting everything squared away and approved by Nintendo itself (as well as porting to a new system), but considering how tailored Stonehearth seems to be to the company’s direction and message, I’d be surprised if there was any serious difficulty (at least in regards to the base game).