Not able to build floors

I was trying to build a house in my new town, but whenever I tried the floor disaperd. Then an error code message with over two thusand pages and still going apeard

I copied but I’m kinda afriad what would happpen if I posted a wall of error codes, however I will be happy to paste if some one asks me to.

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And now I cant click on anything, rip Stone Watch

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Do you have the save file? Send it to and we’ll take a look.

Well i deleted the save files(before you posted) but I still have the copied error codes. Would that work?

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Every little bit is helpful!

Alright the, i’ll do that then

Well damm, remember when I said I couldn’t select anything? Copy button included… Sorry for not being able to help.

Erm… maybe you have something on your stonehearth.log file? :disappointed_relieved:
or you deleted it too?
It gets overwritten each time you play I think…