I´m playing a kindom in normal mode, but, after the spawning and destruction of the first goblin camp no other goblins have spawned. The undead have not made any appareance whatsoever. I’m basically playing in peacefull
Even the traveller that comes warning of the arrival of the wolves came twice, the second time saying it was over, but no goblins or wolves appeared. It’s a weird bug…
Have fun. Kyth.
Ps: The hearthling workers are also very irresponsive, idling for long periods of time before doing any task besides hauling.
Yes. I keep a save (said day 27). I’m still building in that kingdom, although totally at my leisure, instead of fending off for my life I’ll post some pics when I have built a little more. Hearthlings are slow this time.
I have noticed too that no sheep have spawned either. I upgraded one of my trappers to shepperd four days ago and designated a pasture but no sheep have turned around… That is annoying.
The pathfinder for everyone is probably freaking out. There’s a new build out that should help a little, and Chris’s pathfinder changes in A12 should help a lot (after we fix all the fallout).