Nordlingmod, a bit of an update

As some of you know, i keep working on my nordlingmod bit by bit, and i thought i’d share a little “upcoming features”

shots. its all still WIP as hell but i think i might finally have worthwhile tier-3 shrine like items.

still working on a thor one… anyone with a nice idea or model, let me know!

The link to the mod itsself:

and Special thanks to @Amnaa for the help with the tree and Piilupardu for the help with Odin :slight_smile:


Don’t know if it would read well enough but you could do Thor fighting the Midgard Serpent

yeah something like that would be cool, or a giant shrine to his hammer, idk yet, if you have inspiration you know i welcome model donations :stuck_out_tongue:

That tree really looks like something I’ve been working on, that’ epic !!

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Is thst a building shaped like a tree :stuck_out_tongue:? " well that’s one way of getting bigger trees…

For sure, I wish the game included trees like this

I’d like bigger trees then ancient, they could be dotted around like sites similar to the bunny statues or other things similar to that

so are these huge trees in this mod ?

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there are anchient versions of pine in this mod, you can get one(1) enormous tree if you go the shrine of freya route. though at the moment the recipe for it is a bit annoying because you need an oak tree sapling, ill change that soon to something more managable

and with anormous i mean “grows to nearly 100 blocks tall” enormous

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awesome, will have to have go at that :smiley:

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little preview, i planted it inside a lake so its actually taller than you see there…(since some of it is underwater)

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WOW ¬_¬ I love it !!


And on a Skylands map it seems! What a place to start working on feast halls for Hearth-halla!


thank you!

yeah its a a continual re-embark save, my Jarl, Cleric and blacksmith have travelled from the forests of the ascendency, to the midgard forest, and ended up in these sky island versions of the midgard forest, from which they have now once again departed :wink:
where to next? i dont know yet!

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Not necessarily terribly exciting…but perhaps they headed northwards to the Tunda and find a snowy mountain pass that could only be described as the start of the Helvegr, or even into the stony Highlands seeking entrance to Nidavellir…

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well i am sorta thinking i could probably make muspelheim…so maybe some place warm :stuck_out_tongue:

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Drive/dropbox download?

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cant promise it will stay up forever but:

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Hi, thanks for sharing your mod with me, if you have storage space problem with your dropbox i can store this files in my dropbox and you can share mine.

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eh its more a case of i sometimes remove stuff again, and ofc update the mod and forget updating it in the dropbox…that kind of stuff :stuck_out_tongue: but i dont mind sharing when asked lol

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