No warning when villagers under attack?

So I might be misremembering, but wasn’t there a warning your Hearthlings were under attack before? In Alpha 14 my villagers are getting attacked and the first notification I have of this is when I get the death message. This is particularly annoying since my mine is apparently infested with the small stone golems; I’ve lost three people in there when they died before I could react. Some sort of ‘hey, someone is getting beat up’ warning would be useful.



Hey @wminsing, @sdee had the same issue last night (Thursday) while streaming. The good news is she agrees with you (that there is a need for a warning) and is planning on implementing a fix!


Personally, I’d like warnings when being attacked / enemies within line-of-sight - And I’d like them to stick around until the enemies are defeated, like the notices about traders coming or the goblin’s demands. Or I guess until you’re defeated, but at that point the message going away isn’t exactly important anymore…


On the one hand I think this is great. There were many times when playing that I didn’t get a chance to click - or mis-clicked - the “enemies sighted” banner (or similar), and then had to manually find the enemy. It would be great if it was persistent. On the other hand, if you get something like the Giant Zombie just standing by his/her chest in revealed territory, I wouldn’t want that persistent notification that would “hide” any other notifications. Perhaps the devs could implement a system similar to Discourse where there are small numbered circles (maybe even color coded) so you can have a quick glance at what is going on. Maybe one color could be for enemies, another for traders, and a third for “special events”. For me, the “trader will return in xx hours” notification bugged me, because I would keep forgetting that I am waiting for them to return (having crafted the items), and would think something important was happening. @sdee, @linda, thoughts?


Perhaps just an option to dismiss enemy spotted notifications permanently, presented alongside the standard options we have now?


also a waning when one or more heartling have a condition like staving which can cause death :wink:

It’s a bug, sometimes monsters will spawn without warning. This becomes increasingly evident as your town grows and the game grows more unstable.

So I’m not sure the lack of warning message when the monsters appear is really a bug; the golems spawned in while no one was in the mine, so were not visible until my hapless hearthlings wandered back in. So no warning there makes sense. Unless I’m misunderstanding how the warning is supposed to work?


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its not actually a bug, TR wanted you to have to keep your eyes out for enemy’s, but in thursdays stream Stephanie realized just how bad that idea was, so a change is coming.

i kinda butchered that explanation… go tired brain!

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Oh ok lol, yeah i don’t think not giving a warning would be fair because I literally have stone golem armies spawning and killing multiple workers before i realized they are even there :disappointed_relieved:


Yes, we are currently addressing this issue! We will have it so once one of your hearthlings enters combat or are being pursued/attacked, the game will notify you.