@ThePoetWolf Not sure I won’t record in the morning cuz theres always some guy mowing his lawn -.- Getting good times will be hard so I don’t think it will work
refer to above post now revised. Sorry i wasnt clear. i would never expect anyone to be up at 9. Although if it was a dealbreaker i could be up early so you could do late night plays.
I’m not too sure, things may change, Right now we are currently looking for people in North America, Sorry
Well, by the looks of things, stonehearth will be as big as you want it to be, possibly generateing as you pan further out in the world, or pre defining the world size, as stonehearth will most likely be for as many people as can fit.
Of course, i’d lofe to help out, but i wouldn’t record, just be in the background, set up specific events for the Vidio, stuff like that, help commentate, Co-Op, i’ve tryed to read this, but 203 posts? i just skimmed it.
I wonder if stonehearth will let you be the attacker instead of the mysterious AI that will attack you, either way, when i can, i’d love to play or help out with scripted events if need be. Not sure if you’re still accepting though, and i am in north america, AKA goodnight.
Also, to get you to see this @RemarkDragon HA! now see this.
Cool, can wait to start this project with you guys,
@Smith Its fine if you can’t record, we can use someone like you to set up fun events with different challenges. Hopefully you can pm me your skype soon!
Edit: not sure if there was supposed to be a link or not on “this”