A few months ago it started. I hoped something would miraculously change. It happened one day on initial start-up, and the game sound has been gone since. It’s as if the game itself is muted, but it’s not. At all. The sound could be maxed and the mute box empty, and still nothing. I’ve archive invalidated it a few times in case my awry installing of several mods deleted something, though it didn’t seem to help. Reinstalled it once to no avail. Perhaps I broke something else, but I don’t know where to start. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I wonder if you antivirus/firewall or other 3rd party application is blocking our sound library
We use sfml for audio, there are 2 .dll files for it inside the Stonehearth folder.
We’ve received reports of muted games intermittently but this is the first time I heard about no sound at all no matter the times the game is restarted.
Seems they started when we updated sfml to a more recent version. I’ll merge this report.
Thank you for the reply. I won’t rule out any possibility. Sound works beautifully on my partner’s rig, but her’s is also brand new and top tier… Mine’s old and mid tier by the standards of 7 years ago. I wonder if somehow the updates and my current hardware are no longer compatible? Wouldn’t mind if so, I still play and still will, just means it’s REALLY time to upgrade hahaha.
I’m suddenly getting this problem too, I didn’t have problems before, but now the game doesn’t play any sound.
same problem here. and the problem persists even if I restart the game. restarting the system fixes it.
Bought the game recently and played 28 hours worth on it. Now it won’t play any sound except a ticking noise when i have the stonehearth window in the foreground. As soon as i bring a different window to the foreground the music and sound play just fine. Tried deleting the sound sml file and reverifying it. Have completely deleted the game and folder from steam but it does the same thing when reinstalled. Have tried to launch multiple times but it never plays sound unless I’m in a different window. Always the ticking noise. Restarting the system hasn’t worked either.
Playing Stonehearth 1.1.0 (release 949) x64 build.
When you go into your Options (after you’ve launched the game), does it show that the volume sliders are moved to the left or to the right?
They are all at 100%. tried moving them to see if that did anything but still just the ticking noise
Sounds like an audio driver issue. What happens when you go to steam and try to verify game files?
Sorry, had a computer update and now its working just fine. Thanks though:)
I have the same issue… launched the game to play, had it freeze so I closed it and reopened it… when it opened this second time I have no volume. My settings have all sound options at 100%, and- with the game still open- I played music on my computer, and that came through my headset just fine, so it’s an issue with the game rather than my headphones. I’ve tried closing and restarting the game again in hopes it’d fix this, but that hasn’t changed anything.
ive noticed the game tentds to mute if you click ANYTHING before you hear the theme song when starting. so no clicking into the black screen to speed things up. might want to give that a try, just hit exe and touch nothing