Multi-Story Buildings

Lots of people have been saying that they can’t build taller than the height of the tallest mountain, but when I started on the highest mountain I could build up 3 floors without difficulty…


How about this: whenever you use the final version of the building tool, you’ll know it would never have been as awesome without your work to inspire us on. :slight_smile:


:open_mouth: :blush: :heart:
Well… Due to the lack of proper words required for a proper reply, I’ll summon my inner dwarf and quote Gimli:


For all the great builders here …During my journey to a new construction, I found a little something to upgrade the workers to build faster since the “change job” update.

Each of my worker is now mandatory to take the “trapper seminar” up to level 2 so that it can carry more wood and move faster !

Enjoy the power of the tireless (with upgraded outfit), fast moving(trapper lvl1), heavy loaded (trapper lvl2) workers ! :wink:


So using this trick I finally manage to try to reach God ! … I present you : The BABEL Tower !

Here are the steps to its construction :

For th comfort of my little ones :

And then Final Result :

At night :

Finally, as a conclusion, let me present you the main and most annoying bug encountered during this journey. Afterall, that why I play at the moment … to break the game :wink:

It describes as follows :

  • At each new designed level, I was not able to save, I had to restart the game and to completely redesign the level.
  • If I tried to reload a previous save without restarting, various (and not the same) workers (or else) stayed idle wondering what to do and each new attempt to save again would appear in the save games folder but not in the loading list of save games.

The steps to work around the bug are to save before each level design, then design, and try to save again. If save does not show in load page, restart the game and redesign the level until the save works (usually the first time).

I hope you enjoyed this construction as much as I do, and many thanks to the devs for allowing me so much pleasure (minus the minor bugs :stuck_out_tongue:)


That’s fantastic! I thought that building it with a flat roof to prevent you from having to build scaffolding manually would make it look ugly… But you sir, have managed to make it look awesome, and take less work!

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bows before Kamiy

I’m so proud!


THAT’S SPECTACULAR! :smiley: :smile:
Congratulations. If I may suggest - keep playing until some merchants trade you some firepits, and when you have like 4+ of them, put them on top of it :smiley:


Firepits are that one sort of item right now in the game that scream ~FANCY~ when you see them. I guess you could sort of see it as the game’s current luxury commodity, just because of the rareness and chance to get it.

Please put them everywhere. We will compensate you with likes.


emojis and goofy “squee!” images seemed wholly inadequate for the level of awesomeness that is your tower…

and as couldn’t come up with anything else, I’ve decided to knight you award you with an illustrious forum title (which I stole from your profile)… :smile:

enjoy! and keep cranking out these magnificent creations… :+1:


Thanks :smile:

Everything gone with the new update so I have to think of something else for a new project :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if this qualifies as multi-story, probably more like multi-stairy, but here goes!

Suffice it to say: I love the new alpha’s slabs, but the new alpha doesn’t love my slabs.


Here’s a sneak at my newest project…


Using a system of manually-placed scaffolding not unsimilar to earlier in this thread, I was able to get my workers to work. It seems I may have overdone scaffolding - they seemed to need only one ladder for the whole thing and one on the posts.

May the world be jealous of the fine craftsmanship and ladder engineering happening within the great walls fences of Berryburg!

Can ladder-placing building-finishing engineers become canon? Please? :blush:

I’m pretty sure it’s already well on its way to becoming canon…

So. Many. Ladders.

Woooo roads ! Great Idea !

I love the arches of your stairs ! I’ll try that :smile:

Do you believe in the strength of CID’s ladder?


Here’s the great staircase and nearly-finished archway from my Grand Sina project.

The new erase function allows you to make a lot more structures than before in Alpha 5. I’m sad to say that the Grand Sina saves are getting too corrupted to load by this point, so this is probably the farthest it’ll get. On to the next!


Short vid. little over a minute. Just me playing with height. Started getting save errors at this point and they wouldn’t collect any more stone and quit working on the roof.


Still short on time… but wanted to share something nonetheless - couldn’t resist trying the new alpha 7 unstable build :slight_smile:

Might not be the first multiple-story building or the first castle… But I’m fairly sure it’s the first evil summoning ritual circle? :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s a Cid… There must be an Anti-Cid…

I now summon you forth… My lord… Gulg.