@Tom @Ramcat I (Personally) love the migrant model and if implemented into stonehearth I think it would work very well but how do we choose between lots of migrations and very little or find the right balance?
We could have a option when starting which allows you to choose how many migrations. Maybe something like:
Rare : Medium : Frequent
Or we could have a slider that you could use to select the amount of migrations per in-game year.
Another Idea of mine is to have a system where if a nearby town or such is having starvation, drought, flood, earthquake, disease etc. The amount of immigrations would increase and you would start receiving refugees and if your town is having these troubles immigrations would slow down or stop completely and some of your people might migrate to another town (Maybe to return when your town recovers or maybe not. During these times you could receive:
Starving People (Eat more food then usual when they first arrive)
Diseased People (They spread disease)
Also, If a nearby town is at war/civil war you will receive immigrations filled with refugees that could include:
Injured soldiers (They could be missing limbs which would slow down their work rate)
Cripples (Basically the Injured Soldier except no starting combat skills)
Homeless Orphans (Mouths to feed and if they don’t have anyone to take care of them, they may turn to crime)
Crazy Soldiers who went mad because of the things they saw. ( Crazy people with combat skills, this could only go well)
But the nearby fighting could have even worse effects:
Increased Crime (The nearby fighting and starving immigrants is good business for many criminals)
Increased Bandit Raids (Deserting soldiers are meanies)
Better armed Bandits (Deserting soldiers are supplied with much better equipment than the lawless scum that scavenge for scraps of armour and rusted swords)
And maybe at the beginning of the war or near the end, this could happen:
@SteveAdamo ville soldiers are taking refuge in your lands, @Geoffers747 town soldiers are demanding you arrest them and give the soldiers to them. What side will you choose? (You have to choose a side in the war, There is no way to get out of this without having someone declare war on you or get really angry with you (If you were an ally they get really angry with you))
Sorry, This started out about migrations and then derailed a little…