Pic Suggestion : Build Tech

Hello~ Hello~
This Time, I tell you about “Build Tech System”!

The suggestion is related stonehearth core system.

Fitst, The crafting system is so easy to enter into a relation.
Because each tool is medium for class.

But how relate the build tech system?
I spend much time in considering.

A personal think, craft must relate to build tech, but it’s difficult with use only craft element.
Finally, I found new element for connect between craft and build tech.

The “Happiness”.

A happiness is one of the character’s status.
When a character use crafted item for her(his) requirement, she(he) get a happiness point (Max 100).

This requirement is different at character’s class. (ex : a archer require training target.)
Therefore, craft is important.

Each build tech require standard value so the happniess is used in here.
If you get a higher build tech, you can build more useful building.

How upgrade build tech?

I drew new UI and added flag for build tech.
If you achieve higher build tech requirement, the camp standard start shining.
And your build tech upgrade automatically.

The camp standard.
I attached to this what a meaning of build tech.
Higher build tech have more wonderful camp standard.

Thank you for read & See you next week :blush: