Hey guys! I see that you’re doing some great things so far in this game! I’m happily anticipating the release in 2014.
There are just a few things that irked me, however. Most of these things are just minor, aesthetic issues. Most of the weapons I’ve seen are just swords, staffs and some ranged. Will there be more variety of equipment like pole-arms for example? It just seems to ruin the fantasy-feeling of the game for me since all melee characters are wielding swords.
Also, in the trailer video, the combat looks a bit…mundane. Not that the core of the game is focused on combat as it is on city-building (which I am looking forward to more than anything else), but from your website and all, I felt that combat would be a good portion of the anticipated game-play. Now I know that what the trailer had to show was the unfinished product but I just want reassurance that the fighting will look more intense. The characters looked like runescape characters battling it out turn-based style.
Next, I’d like to mention factions. You’ve mentioned in the development road-map that other factions will be involved in the game. Also, there was the feature of a seamless map that kind-of resembles Minecraft’s map generation (in a way). What I want to know is if there will be pre-fabricated towns/cities from other factions/AI that will inhabit the world from the start or will the AI start out like the player and build a city from the ground up? Then there’s the question of map generation if new AI factions will be discovered as a player explores the world.
Also, I’d like to know if there’s a more intimate character management that might be implemented. Say, you can customize and control the mayor/Lord of the town (which is your own personal character). If there will be diplomatic discussions between different factions and trading agreements. If not, I thought this might be a neat idea just to have players become more attached with a person in the game.
I also thought it might be cool to be able to establish trade routes between cities if there is an AI faction with a town of some sort. Basically, a marketplace in town could be connected to each other by road and once the road is established, send some merchants to trade to whichever city the road is connected to via the road. Obviously I’m spouting bull out of the tips of my fingertips as I have no idea how the coding for this would work but just thought it might be an interesting feature to see if it is possible.
Next, I thought it might also be cool to add a caste system to the society within the game. It could be something simple like King>Noble>Peasant. Along with it, the ability to cultivate a family. Aging might be a bit too much hassle (and not enough output) to implement but to some players (I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one), it could provide an interesting story; the rise and fall of a dynasty or a noble family or maybe the rise of a commoner to nobility.
Also, I am hoping (but won’t be too terribly disappointed) if there would be technological advancement and if there would be (but won’t be too terribly disappointed) if the advances would be made “randomly”. I put the quotation marks there because when I mean “randomly”, its not completely random. I mean that if the player wants to made advancements in the field of armory, the player won’t be able to decide the specific advancement like “Chain Links” (for chainmail). Rather, the research made in the field of armory would be “random progressive”. So that while the player can’t specifically research a certain thing, the player can’t make Plate Cuirasses without being able to to make Leather Armor. Also, in this defined “random progressive”, there’s a chance that the research won’t yield anything new but it would improve upon something already researched.
Haha, I’m just going on and on. To be honest, I have no real programming experience so I can’t really be a critic of sort but these are just some tidbits that I’d like to know if you guys are able to implement. I hope some other forum members out there would also like to see some of the features I ‘requested’.