[MOD] [18-21] Stonehearth Doorways 2.0

Try again? I pushed a quick patch an hour or 2 ago that works fix it.

I should edit my update above…


With a L4 Carpenter (and placed carpenter bench but not toolbench), L3 mason (and both benches placed):

(Oh, and it said about 1h ago :wink: )

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Updated to version 2.0!

  • Added 5 new doorways (wooden reinforced, wooden tunnel, stone tunnel, clay tunnel, and iron).
  • Added fine variants for all wooden doorways.
  • Broke Save Compatibility - in order to correct a file name type in version 1.x, I had to break save compatibility - sorry :disappointed:! There are no known bugs in v1.3, so you should be OK to keep playing without issue. When you are ready to start a new game, download version 2.0.

Edit: Uploaded new image to OP.


Hey @jomaxro! I was wondering:

  • Can I suggest more door models for your mod? (I can make them myself but I don’t want to create a separate mod for something that is essentially the same idea)
  • Can you modify iron doorway (engineer) to not require gears? I doesn’t make much sense since there is no door (and thus, no lock).

What are you thinking? At the moment I’m only using doors that already exist in the game…

To be honest I’ve haven’t touched (or even looked at) the ingredients required for the doors. I agree that gears don’t make a lot of sense. I’ll take a look at all the recipes while I’m at it.


I’d like to add some more doors (like on early alpha pics - grates, castle doors) but I don’t want to create a separate mod for them. And for their doorways.

Btw, is it possible to create a door that blocks movement but allows line of sight and shooting through?

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I’d be happy to add the doorways if you want to send me models, but I’m hesitant to add doors…the primary feature of this mod is removing doors from the frames, it feels out of place to then add new door models.

I could be mistaken, but I believe that is already the case. I’m pretty sure archers on one side of a wall can shoot things on the other side. I’ll check once I’m off work later tonight.


Mod ia actual for 21 alpha?

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Yep, the mod works in Alpha 21. I’ll update the first post.


Workshop? :smiley:


Ooh, good idea. I’m going to be on vacation next week, I’ll see if I can knock this out.


If you’d like any help, let me know, would be my honor/pleasure to do so :slight_smile:


Can confirm it’s quite easy, just did so for myself. Protip: make an example Image first, and don’t close down stonehearth in between making the mod, filling it and uploading it for the first time

Edit: with filling it I mean putting the non steam mod I to the steam mod folder that you will be uploading


Aww, thanks you guys! I’ll certainly let you know if I need anything. I haven’t read anything about adding to Steam Workshop, hence my “if I can”. Fortunately it sounds pretty easy :smiley:.

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If you go to the workshop, there is a mod called dark Grove or something, with a picture of a wolf, In the description it links to a modding guide. That one explains, with pictures, how to do it. If you hit a snag anywhere give a shout :slight_smile:

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And that’s done. Doorways is in the workshop. I’ll update the OP here later :smiley:.

Note: I haven’t tested this personally since A21. I’m assuming this still works. If it doesn’t please let me know.


It’s working great on my end, even in multi-player. I really like these simple mods that still add a lot to the game :merry:


I thinkn ther is a problem with the mixins

     "region_origin": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0, "z": 0.5 }

You need to add that in the double doorway ghost in the mixins, that seems to cause the “cant palce on the ground” issue

The thing is almost all doors have changed since A21 so the frames don’t suit the new ones.

Thanks @TheRedBaron91 @Pawel_Malecki, this is definitely in need of updates. I’ll see if I can find some time over the next few weeks.