Minecraft to be Bought out by Microsoft

“Minecraft causes psychosis, experts warn parents”

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It isn’t all his fault. It is that just Minecraft has been milked so much that there isn’t much to do anymore with the game. It’s pretty much complete. But, I’ll give it to you that Jeb just doesn’t have the, I guess you could say “magic” that Notch had.

Indie developers come in all shapes and sizes, if they’re just making semi-large titles with a fair sized group of developers, then yes they are indie, no matter what income their getting. If Stonehearth just suddenly bursted in popularity and hype, and Radiant got their millions, while still keeping the same size, are they not indie anymore. I go by this: if they’re not making AAA games with lots and lots of funding, then they’re indie.

The more the merrier. Of course Radiant wants their game to be successful. They spent about two years and a good amount of money making it. They left their nice jobs at VMWare to make it. It doesn’t mean they’re selfish and greedy, no it doesn’t. A company is made to make money and produce a product. I’m sure Radiant would love to see their little project take the world by storm.

DirectX is quite possibly the best gaming API out there. It allows the developers, publishers, and owners of the platform to do so much. Even though, as far as I know, is limited to only Microsoft platforms, more than 90% of computers out their use Windows, Xbox, and such, so it isn’t much a loss to both consumers, investors, and Microsoft itself. Windows is also the premier OS. It may have it’s flaws, but everything has flaws, and the stuff that comes with Windows usually makes up for it, or Microsoft fixes it later on. I used to absolute hate Metro, but as I worked with it, I actually like it. It may be not as good at the Start Menu, but it’s still pretty good when you get used to it. They have screwed up things, sometimes horribly cough Windows ME cough, but when they get things right, they get it right. Look at Office 365 and Windows 7 and XP. Both are brilliant. The Xbox has it’s flaws, but again, the features and stuff that comes with it make up so much for it. Also, what deals do they have with Sony in gaming? If I recall, they’re competitors. They compete to be the creme of the crop, and both companies will both do crazy ass stuff to do so. And they wouldn’t do anything so stupid that it may put the whole company or division at jeopardy. Also, they removed the DRM over a year ago, and if there is any left, it hasn’t done anything that bad. There have been much worse DRM restrictions in the past. Remember that Sony CD DRM that had huge security risks in it? Or that SecuROM? Yeah, thought so. You don’t have anything against EA, although they are quite possibly the least gamer and consumer friendly in the gaming world, and their business practices, like their DRM, which I’m sure you must be fine with although you just got off hating DRM a few seconds ago. Also, just because they use a different platform doesn’t excuse them from being a crappy company.

Crytek, maybe. Blizzard, hell no.

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You are packed with Microsoft propaganda @EpicDwarf. DirectX has less calls than OpenGL, is platform specific and runs worse than OpenGL.

Linux is better than Windows at this point, but people refuse to support open source and free software.

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DirectX is good in many ways, but at the same times it has it’s flaws, like only being limited to Microsoft platforms, which isn’t a problem because most people have a computer that runs Windows or have an Xbox. but overall, it is better than OpenGL, mainly because of what you can do with DirectX. For instance, I hear DirectX 12 will improve graphical performance using the holy cloud on the Xbox and I think PC. Can OpenGL do that?

Or, it’s because Linux is a pain in the ass to run, and is both limited in functionality and programs.

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First, no way can Blizz be considered indie in any way, shape or form. I mean, once upon a time perhaps, but now they’re so big… sheesh. Not to mention the whole Vivendi / Activision connections.

I was thinking of examples, not statements like that :stuck_out_tongue: .

The Mojang website lists 22 people in all, so not far outside your “max”. And the fact that they have 3 projects on at once and have millions of customers is (1) totally unrelated to company size and (2) just an example of them being really successful.

Hell yes they do. 10 million copies of SH sold… $150-$200m pre-tax dollars, it’d be awesome for them and I hope it happens.

Meanwhile for us players, Radiant get money to reinvest in the game / support for the game, plus new content etc as well. Heck, even if Radiant did nothing more for the game after release than adding dwarves and bug fixes, and went swimming in their millions Scrooge McDuck-style, I’d still be happy: SH is so moddable that it’ll keep me busy for years.

Honestly, your position seems to be “indie games / devs are only good when not massively popular”, which is… well daft, frankly.

I’ve always done well with Windows (though I skipped Vista & Win8, as per the every-other-version-sucks rule :wink: ), the Xbox has clearly been a commercial success (I know next to nothing about consoles, but, well, if it were a black hole for money then it wouldn’t be on the shelves any more :stuck_out_tongue: ), have no idea about Metro, and prefer MS Office over Open Office (probably just used to it is all though). DirectX vs OpenGL I have no idea about, except that again, it’s a platform that’s obviously done well enough to be used regularly, all over the damn place, by everyone.

And on the gaming side, Microsoft have published a lot of top-selling games on various platforms. Age of Empires & Halo spring immediately to mind.

As for DRM… don’t EA do that too :wink: ? Face it, from their point of view it’s a handy way of cutting down on piracy, and most gamers are okay with it at the end of the day - they may grumble, but they keep buying the games.

Still popular though. For all that you accuse @EpicDwarf of being a shill for Microsoft, frankly you’re just coming across as a shill for Microsoft’s competitors at this point :stuck_out_tongue: .

Ever stopped to ask yourself why?

Mostly, I think it’s down to familiarity - everyone knows Windows (often from work), and everyone knows that everything runs on Windows. There’s a huge, official support infrastructure behind Microsoft products as well, whereas if I google “Linux”, the first result is the Wikipedia entry on it. If you’re not particularly tech-literate, you see that Apple/Microsoft is a big, successful company with a long history in the business, and Linux is this open-source (huh?), free (is it any good if it’s free?), and not a commercial success (oh, so it’s like fan-made, right?).

Then, choosing which version of Linux to use is a pain, compared to going into PC World and just having the latest version of Windows all ready there for you, or at least having just a tiny selection of options (“I don’t like Win8 so I’ll buy Win7” vs… how many Linux versions again?).

TL;DR version: Linux may be technically better, but there’s a lot of other things you’re neglecting when comparing it to Windows / OSX etc.

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You are completely right in what you just said. That is what I wanted to say but I’m terrible at wording things in the right way,

Always wanted to do that, but I can’t argue with Peter’s logic.

slowly veers topic back on track

MSFT’s attempt at purchasing Mojang… let’s not debate which OS is better, or why MSFT is/is not the root of all that’s evil… :wink:


Final Price: 2.500.000.000 USD O.o

AND Notch is leaving the team, back to his “lonely nerd live”:

I’m leaving Mojang
September 15th, 2014

I don’t see myself as a real game developer. I make games because it’s
fun, and because I love games and I love to program, but I don’t make
games with the intention of them becoming huge hits, and I don’t try to
change the world. Minecraft certainly became a huge hit, and people are
telling me it’s changed games. I never meant for it to do either. It’s
certainly flattering, and to gradually get thrust into some kind of
public spotlight is interesting.

A relatively long time ago, I decided to step down from Minecraft
development. Jens was the perfect person to take over leading it, and I
wanted to try to do new things. At first, I failed by trying to make
something big again, but since I decided to just stick to small
prototypes and interesting challenges, I’ve had so much fun with work. I
wasn’t exactly sure how I fit into Mojang where people did actual work,
but since people said I was important for the culture, I stayed.

I was at home with a bad cold a couple of weeks ago when the internet
exploded with hate against me over some kind of EULA situation that I
had nothing to do with. I was confused. I didn’t understand. I tweeted
this in frustration. Later on, I watched the This is Phil Fish video on
YouTube and started to realize I didn’t have the connection to my fans I
thought I had. I’ve become a symbol. I don’t want to be a symbol,
responsible for something huge that I don’t understand, that I don’t
want to work on, that keeps coming back to me. I’m not an entrepreneur.
I’m not a CEO. I’m a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have
opinions on Twitter.

As soon as this deal is finalized, I will leave Mojang and go back to
doing Ludum Dares and small web experiments. If I ever accidentally make
something that seems to gain traction, I’ll probably abandon it

Considering the public image of me already is a bit skewed, I don’t expect to get
away from negative comments by doing this, but at least now I won’t feel
a responsibility to read them.

I’m aware this goes against a lot of what I’ve said in public. I have no
good response to that. I’m also aware a lot of you were using me as a
symbol of some perceived struggle. I’m not. I’m a person, and I’m right
there struggling with you.

I love you. All of you. Thank you for turning Minecraft into what it has
become, but there are too many of you, and I can’t be responsible for
something this big. In one sense, it belongs to Microsoft now. In a much
bigger sense, it’s belonged to all of you for a long time, and that
will never change.

It’s not about the money. It’s about my sanity.


Well, it be true. The reasoning was pretty much what I had suspected. I suppose Notch will be hiding in the shadows for a while for this to blow over perhaps developing with a fake name.


Also someone beat me!

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BtW: Waiting for the first “Really cool new recipes”-DLC coming ahead :smiley:

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Now my speculation for the future.

  • Scrolls will be abandoned completely
  • Minecraft will get a handful more updates to finish it off for the year
  • Minecraft 2 will start developing in the near future- I suspect MC2 will have less modding and probably DLC
  • Notch will probably make games under a pseudo name, but he’ll no longer cater to others and simply make what he wants
  • I don’t see MC having any substantial content updates in 2015

None of this really bothers me, to me MC was over when Jeb took it over as my vision for the game was more inclined to what Notch had in mind and not Jeb. Since that time I have rarely played the game, and only checked on it once every 6 months or so. I still like Notch, and I actually wish he made this move much sooner - it may have been able to preserve his faith in the community if he had been earlier in his decision. At this point it seems he will never make games for anyone but himself again, because he views the community at large as toxic and he doesn’t want that global recognition any more.

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confirms the confirmations… :smile:


Y’know, good for Microsoft.

They’ve got what they want and the original devs and consumers are pleased.

I am putting a wait and see atmosphere, as someone who games, develops, had 15 years in IT. Microsoft divisions have there good and bad. Hopefully Microsoft improves Mojangs conference hosting abilities.

As for the games, Microsoft has had a positive impact on the gaming industry, I don’t see them doing stuff like Nintendo, Sony, EA, ect. I don’t know if they will shutdown content updates, I don’t know if they would mess with it. Minecraft has such a different and successful formula, would Microsoft be silly enough to mess with it.

One thing that Microsoft could bring the game is cloud expertise, which would be bad for places like mcprohosting.

All we can do is wait and see if the future is bright or the future is bleak.

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Following 30 mins later by a free mod doing the same XD .

[quote=“woollysmash, post:54, topic:7364, full:true”]- Minecraft will get a handful more updates to finish it off for the year

  • Minecraft 2 will start developing in the near future- I suspect MC2 will have less modding and probably DLC[/quote]
    You know what, I think these might both be good things. No more Minecraft updates = stable modding platform at last, and Minecraft 2 will hopefully have far superior coding etc (no more 10GB RAM for Yogscast Complete Pack with Sphax textures etc :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Also, I wouldn’t want to say whether MC2 has better or worse modding potential. I mean, okay probably worse because it’s not in Java (which… well anyone can develop stuff for, basically, compared to many other languages out there), but I can’t imagine Microsoft would try to kill off modding, because it brings in so much revenue indirectly. I’m sure that MC2 will have its own Tekkit / FTB / whatever*.

*Assuming it gets made. I mean, I guess it’s always possible it doesn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dont want to start another argument war, but I really dont want Microsoft or other big companies to eat these small ones. I’m glad Notch is leaving, I have incredible respect for him.

[quote=“Teleros, post:58, topic:7364”]
Following 30 mins later by a free mod doing the same XD .[/quote]
Followed by a suit and a generel modding prohibition :stuck_out_tongue:

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Even with the possibility of DLC and having to buy a whole new game, this seems really interesting what they could do to make the new Minecraft special and unique.

For me it’s not so much how Minecraft 2 could be “special and unique” so much as how it could be better than MC1.

So… better optimisation and mod support for starters (because reverse-engineering the code every single update is a pain), more/better textures (imagine if it came with everything from x16 to x256 versions by default)… you get the idea.

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