Situation: I generally take a militaristic approach in my gameplay, and I have a building template of a building dedicated to show off war trophies (Goblin honor tokens, Ogo skullbonker’s banner and the orcish war gongs). Turns out, the Heatrhlings were upset that i was showing off the goblin honor tokens, and affected the town appeal. I get that the devs are pushing the whole “Goblins are ugly and mean (and, dare I say, absolutely mediocre crafters)”, but i think it would make more sense if, when it comes to honor tokens captured from the enemy, should not be ugly, but a sign of bravery and military prowess, that should count as positive aesthetics, not the other way around. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
Thank you for reading! and comment which are your thoughts on this
They did want to change stuff about the game in response to the playstyle that you have. Military was one of those playstyles, so maybe when the game knows you have that playstyle, appeal is changed accordingly. @sdee, what do you think of it?
The display idea for a military approach seems cool, but the constant attacks due to the anger generated in the goblin and orc camps and their constant attacks would make it so I don’t use them.
What do you mean? I didn’t understand your comment. Rudeness not intended
No problem.
When you display the goblin totems or the gongs, they increase the spawn of attacks from whichever item you have placed in your town.
For me, the near constant attacks aren’t something I like to have to deal with in the current AI version (which usually requires micro-management!).
OH, really? I didn’t know that. I’m kinda paying the price, as three pets were devoured by kobold wolves in the last three days. That should explain it. Well, thanks for the tip.