Meanwhile in the Team Radiant Kitchen


Though it wasn’t a very serious thread at first anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

But discussions about cheeseballs are always important, especially if pirates are involved! :wink:

I don’t agree to the right turn before the zigzag part :wink:

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Cannon says otherwise.

I know it should have been to the left right?

Yea, continue to the left, zigzagged and made the last right turn to go up again. So according to Cannon, the thread is back on its normal path.

However… meh :blush:

seriously? a guy takes a wee little catnap, and this happens? it’s a wonder no one was running through the house wih scissors and impaled themselves…


That can still happen…

I prefer this old one:

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Sorry, but you can’t have a cheese thread without Sheogorath…

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Official Thread Music:

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I like it :smiley:
Very fitting.

Is this a derailment contest?

Horse breeders are very interested in seeing horses mate; it’s how they make their money after all. While I have no first hand experience, I’m told by those who do that they sometimes go to extraordinary measures to make sure the event is successful.

Annnd as the first poster on this thread, I believe it has officially run its course. :slight_smile: