Raina Dakis. Ate a raw meal. “I ate a raw piece of flat bread. I can only imagine how much better it would have tasted were it cooked”. Is this intentional? or does my cook only bake bread half way?
nah, that’s just the weird way the game is. I never agreed with the food ratings.
As you see above they only have thoughts for either RAW, BLAND, COOKED, or TASTY. While these are the values for food below
ratings 1-3 are all considered RAW while 4-6 are COOKED, this means they can have thoughts of eating something RAW yet still TASTY (very odd) and the same with something being COOKED and BLAND. in some cases it makes sense but others it really throws things off. Here is flat breads value of 3 making it RAW
and ALL things considered RAW give negative thoughts, so even the fruit in game like berries and watermelon while it makes sense to eat RAW, even if TASTY should never be a negative thing. That’s how fruit is supposed to be eaten lol.
My best suggestion is find a better food you like to have your cook make, and just make that to please your citizens.
I just looked further and even more funny stuff, food that is RAW will cause happiness to drop by -5. While eating something TASTY will cause happiness to raise +4. So yea, flat bread at best will be a -1 to happiness
The same can be said with COOKED and BLAND. COOKED gives you +2, while BLAND gives you -3.
I never knew how jacked up food was until looking at it right now for ya lol
Pros: Doesn’t rot. Sample food for surviving sandstorms in summer (playing a RC game in the Pal’ mun)
Cons: Everybody hates it.
Thank you, I appreciate your help