That is a lot of questions 0_0. Can I give some critique?
I think you underestimate how fast you can get hearthlings. And slaves isn’t a good idea, Stonehearth doesn’t need to have a bad reputation
That won’t be a bad idea. I second this.[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
3. Goblin towns and cities let the goblins settle and make towns on the other side of the map so then I can wage war on them.
So basically just the normal goblins but then they have bigger camps?[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
4. A trader class that allows me to give a dude some items, send him off, and then he comes back with a bit of gold and some of the items (that he didn’t sell)
I also second this [quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
5. Multiplayer, I know I’m beating a dead horse hear but I just really want multiplayer so I can work with or invade my friends
A lot of people are requesting this. we’ll just have to wait and see.[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
6. Apprenticeships, once a hearthling reaches max level in their job you can sign them a hearthling as an apprentice and the apprentice grows twice as fast as they are being taught how to do said trade, thus making it easier for mass production of high level goods or getting hearthlings to that new job that requires a certain level in a prior field
yes, for some jobs it’s really hard to level up an apprentice with another e.g. max level with the same job. for example I have 2 blacksmiths; 1 apprentice and 1 max lvl. I am just fiddling trying to get the apprentice to make those goddarn ingots.[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
7. A standalone house designer, just give me an option where I can make house blueprints not in game making it easier to create houses.
I mean, why not?
It can work out, you get a beast tamer in your team and if you defeat a camp with wolves you can tame them.[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
9. Vehicles such as a cart or a horse or boats, or siege weapons for attacking other players (if multiplayer) or goblin villages
not really needed now, but if multiplayer (if it even comes out) gets a bigger map to work on then yes, that would be essential. though boat building would be really cool![quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
10. Fisherman who can fish at water’s edge or fish in the middle of a lake on a boat
11. Boat builder for making boats (for bigger boats, makes the design and then laborers make the boat.)
Lots of requesting this also. I think it’s a good idea.[quote=“cthomasdig, post:1, topic:30679”]
12. A sea biome with small islands and goblin pirates, and sharks, and leviathans, and awakens, also why you implement boats and fishermen, human races that live here could be, Polynesian esque nomad race, or an English colonization era type race
Archipegalo Biome already has that. The mod is still work in progress though.
I actually never heard that idea! not a bad idea!
I hope my critique is worth to take a look at, I am by all means not attacking you in any way. Just posting my opinions. cheers!