-Ladders will now build down when necessary
-New UI for choosing citizen jobs, showing the full job tree and requirements to -promote to each job.
-New command to undeploy a placed item, returning it to a stockpile
-The size is now shown for all boxes dragged out in the world: in the building tool, farms, stockpiles, etc.
Other changes
-Significant pathfinder performance improvements
-Citizens can now walk through scaffolding
-Removed the tabs from the building designer, and updated most of the button icons
-Removed the ability to promote a citizen directly from a job talisman
-Fix bugs where tool hints sometimes disappeared for no reason
-The trapper will now level up after harvesting enough critters. This is a very early implementation of class leveling. Lots more coming
Damn right as I am about to go to work booooo
ahh well I’m very excited and I cant wait to play it tonight
also adding in the trapper leveling ups was very sneaky of you
Loving the new measurement tools and the cleaned up building UI.
Ran into a strange bug, wondering if anyone else has encountered this. When building, my citizens will get about 2/3 of the way through a house and then just stop building it, go idle and that is that, no way to get them back building it.
Started fresh with new world and got the same issue. Anyone else dealing with this one?
yes, I found a way to get them going again but it had the opposite effect. I added on some stuff and they started deconstructing the house to the ground and the game crashed. I took that as a good joke that they were telling me they will work when they are dam good and ready. To be honest though how cool would it be to add into the code a way that when your workers get pissed enough they start doing bad things like removing things HAHAH that would be awesome. Then they would have to introduce a Judge and Police Worker. HAHAHAHAHAHA