Trying to build houses with the custom builder. Hearthlings wasting a lot of wood building unused ladders, and dont remove them when they are done. They sometimes leave ladders behind when using the builder aswell. Reloading the save made them remove some of the ladders, but there are still plenty of them left on the buildings.
Steps to reproduce:
Make custom house.
Watch the ladder galore happen.
Laugh, and take a screenshot (mandatory step)
Expected Results:
Removing all ladders when build is complete.
Not spending all my wood on unused ladders.
Iāve attached my most recent save file. When I reloade this save they remove some of the ladders. Also building the small unbuilt ādog houseā gives the same resault.
metadata - Kopi.txt (345 Bytes)
Not sure what file you need so let me know if it is the wrong one
This looks like it might be still occurring to a smaller extent in ver 2697 when using the building designer.
Below is the complete bug report with reproduction steps.
Title: Ladders get stuck in built houses with certain roof configurations
Summary: After finishing a house, ladders built to finish the house get stuck and are not removed until after a save/load cycle.
Steps to reproduce:
Build an āLā shaped house where the roof intersects the wall as seen below (using different materials for the wall and roof may be required to reproduce, eg. wooded walls with a stone roof)
Have the workers build the house
Notice that once the roof is complete, workers construct ātemporaryā ladders to reach the last few wall blocks that were not placed yet.
Expected Results: The workers complete the house and remove the temp ladders
Actual Results: The workers complete the house but leave the temp ladders in place
Notes: Immediately after a save/load the workers seem to deconstruct the ladders
Hey there @Spiro, welcome to the Discourse! No worries about your English, it is just fine!
While it appears that your buildings complete, I would argue that these are ābuildings your hearthlings cannot buildā as building included the removal of scaffolding and ladders. Do you by chance have any of these buildings saved as templates, or are you able to re-enter the building UI to save them? If so, @sdee and the devs are currently looking for buildings that donāt complete over in the thread I have linked below, and I am sure they would appreciate these templates! Instructions can be found in the linked post, but if you need any help do not hesitate to ask!