Just posting to share some template designs

I’ve spent the past few days plugging various pixel art designs into Stonehearth and saving the templates, just because, heck, why not?

Figured I’d throw them up here in case anyone else wanted to use them in fort designs. Most of these are just floor mosaics, but there’s also a gatehouse tower and a spiral staircase (which is fully walkable and buildable).

Arg, sorry those loaded as such large images – not sure how to make them smaller. Anyway, the complete set of them is here:

edit: see below for templates (fixed versions):


Ooohhh, now those are awesome! Great job :smiley: I specially love the octagonal knot. EPIC :smiley:

The octagonal knot can be turned into a lunar calendar fairly easily – this was my original source image:

All of these were originally from google searches though I had to edit & alter some of them to fit the dimensions (12x12, 10x10, etc.)


totally loving it :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: will make it as a back wall decoration to my future massive city (i hope :slight_smile: )

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Comically, a surprising number of those designs came from what I think were knitting patterns.

Anyway, realized this morning that some of the designs above have errors (the greek key road is off by a tile, the celtic knot has a stone strip, etc).

Here are fixed versions:building_templates.zip (329.2 KB)


Ok, this one I think is genuinely neat, because the pattern tiles & repeats in a neat way.

Source this time was a website full of “zellige” arabic / islamic tile designs (most of which require too many angles or curves to reproduce well in this game).

12x12 repeating pattern.zip (9.4 KB)