Just a screen of my city in progress :P( friday update i guess)



still adding fine details to this dock part but there it is.


and from the other side.


Hoally Crap Batman taht an amazin bridge :smiley:

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thank you! I seem to have a knack for building bridges :stuck_out_tongue:
(its a danish thing >.< )

Friday update since its been a week :stuck_out_tongue:


wow, the grand scale and look of this city is amazing! do you plan the buildings out somewhere else before making them in game, or is it all just designed/built “on the go” in-game?


They are made on the go in game :slight_smile: I suppose i build up a general city layout in my head.
So some things are kinda planned in my head. so i might have an idea of a particular “type” of building.

but the looks of a building are ideas i generally get when designing them.

its the same reason some of my templates has holes and stuff :stuck_out_tongue: they are likely build up against something else. that pokes in to them.

And it does happen i build failed buildings. Bu they are generally usable somewhere else in case.


Its been a troublesome building week! I totally failed making an outer city wall :frowning:

But did make a fairly nice roof section and some pillars in that string of failures >.<
So salvaged that from the ashes and made this.

Its an courthouse on a roofed market… i think >.<


Impresive design! Congrats! :heart_eyes:

Have Fun, Kyth.


heh i was confused by it taking +900 blocks of stone to build !

But i think i know why…

its quite massive :smiley:

@Kythandra thanks !! for the record i haven’t forgotten the old prague city hall ! But not sure how i wanna do it since it used to be a HUGE building and only like the tower left.

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Always nice big creative stuff from you :smiley:

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still got some more stuff i want to add but think i finally nailed down a general city wall design.


Wow, that is great. I especially like the tower design. May I copycat this? :grin:

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can have the templates if you like but they are very large but else copy away.

tho im not all done with all the templates

half timber tower corner.7z (34.7 KB)

there’s the tower :slight_smile:


Nice roofs :slight_smile: like how they continue up as they meet there :slight_smile:


Glad you like it since im not so sure :stuck_out_tongue: the tower turned out great indeed, but not sure i like it as a wall … feels more like a city square building >.< and half timber should not really be on walls since it would burn…and technical towers would be round to fit a gothic city …on the other hand i used 2 tries already trying to get a wall down and this is pretty good just not realistic :confused:

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Your city is amazing!

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This game isn’t particularly realistic either; but your towers are still credible. Even if the “guardhouses” on top burn down, there’s still the stone ramparts to shelter behind, and that bit of stone beneath the wooden structure would work as a command post… IRL, defences aren’t built entirely out of the toughest materials, they’re a mix of “hard points” like the stone walls and easier-to-construct defences like barricades or wooden guardhouses.

A tower made of stone might be harder to destroy, but if it does fall then there’s no chance of a quick repair – the wall itself will probably be torn down with it, and the materials needed for reconstruction will take time to acquire… not always practical in the aftermath of a battle, and doubly so if the original construction used up most or all of the easily-accessible sources of that material.

Wooden guardhouses, on the other hand, are much quicker to reconstruct in the aftermath of the battle; and can often be built atop the walls even while the walls are being repaired from other damage. So it does make a lot of sense to go with a “hybrid” construction; since while the enemy is using flame attacks against the guardhouses they’re not focussing on the stone walls below.

My larger point here is that Stonehearth is a game of fantasy, and how things seem is often more important than how they actually are. Those wooden towers might not be the strongest, but they fit the town very well and they’re believable within the design “rules” you’ve established for the rest of your city. Many of your other designs use a stone lower level and a wooden upper level, and this combination gives the sense that the stone walls were built first and then the guardhouses were added later to shelter more guards and allow a further view for lookouts.


Since tomorrow is likely skyrim day :stuck_out_tongue: