I think that's a bit excessive guys...!

I didn’t want to put this under bugs 'cause I figure it’s not really a bug.

That’s quite a bit of scaffolding guys, not sure why you think you need that much!

I assume it’s because of the roof (it’s in sections with openings) but they finished the roof before they started putting all that scaffolding up.

Thought I’d share this with you guys! :3


I have seen worst on my side…speciallly houses with custom roofs…made block by block…

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Yeah, that’s what I think it is since this one has a custom roof! :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just so funny to see!


they love their scaffolding when you make those kinda of roofs XD


I think it is due to OSHA (Standards 29 CFR)
Scaffolds shall be furnished and erected in accordance with this standard for persons engaged in work that cannot be done safely from the ground or from solid construction, except that ladders used for such work shall conform to 1910.25 and 1910.26.

The footing or anchorage for scaffolds shall be sound, rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. Unstable objects such as barrels, boxes, loose brick, or concrete blocks shall not be used to support scaffolds or planks.


Hm, well that makes sense. Still amusing though! :3

I’m noticing this a lot as well… I think its not really an issue, except that it takes a LOT of wood and time to do this - maybe it would be less of an issue if scaffolding used half as much wood to construct and was both built up and taken down in half the time?


Yeah that’s probably my only complaint here, that was a pretty small building (I think it was like 16x20 or something) and it took at least 2-3 days of near constant work just to do the whole thing! Usually takes no more than a day or so to make that size of building. xD

That’s nothing. You should try levitating objects…

(The sky becomes black with the infinite scaffolds…)


I’ve had objects float before (and goodness is it difficult to move those!) but never a building/large thing that require scaffolding. That sounds insane! o_o

Heartlings just take scaffolding VERY seriously…


Wait, are you trying to levitate the scaffolding, too? Wouldn’t that require more scaffolding, to conform with OSHA 1910.28(a)(2)? Do we have to report your business ethics to the OSHA? Again??


they take it very seriously


At first I was like 'that looks about the same though’
And then I realized just how much you are zoomed out. MY GOODNESS.

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lol yes, this is more of it

I was doing a dome ceiling, so each block seemed to need a ladder apparently LOL


Stonehearth… Moar like… Scaffolding simulator!


Yeah, anything that’s overhanging and done with slabs seems to need its own individual scaffolding from the ground up.

I’ve mentioned the issues that come up with curved/non-straight buildings directly to the Radiant folk a few weeks back; I explained that it might be best for the player to manually control the placement of scaffolding for custom buildings, since it can’t fully cope with every possible scenario the player can come up with. Scaffolding and ladders need to assist the player, not hinder them! (I know from experience how much the game slows down when that much scaffolding shows up on the screen…)

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Hmm… what if a block of scaffolding that is built touching two other scaffolding blocks builds (is constructed or deconstructed) in a much shorter time, like 1/10th of the time? That way the normal construction time of buildings doesn’t really change, but crazy complex stuff with scaffolding all over the place will build at a much more reasonable time - but still take longer than a normal building.

I don’t even mind the construction time so much as the scaffolding deconstruction time. For a major building it can take weeks or longer of gametime just to take down the scaffolding.

One thing that would save a lot of scaffolding is if Hearthlings could intelligently build from the inside of a building using its own structure, without relying on scaffolding; i.e., if I’m on the sixth floor of a tower that has working stairs all the way up, maybe they use the stairs to get to the top floor and build it from the inside rather than building six stories of scaffolding from the outside.

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