I feel like I really missed out on something awesome People already have playable alphas/demos and I have no idea where to get one or if it’s impossible until release
is there a way? Please help! I love and want this game really bad. I didn’t notice this game until today.
Well firstly… sorry, pal, but none of us have ANY playable ANYTHING at the moment. Those guys you saw were the YouTubers, and they got copies just to help push the Kickstarter along…
Secondly, sucks to suck, but you are brand spankin’ new anyway, so why should I give my hard-earned copy away? No, not really. (I wish I had a copy right now, but I think it makes the first release, which is IN DECEMBER, mind you, that much sweeter.)
Welcome @Flammen!
Just to follow up on @ManOfRet’s very welcoming response, you have nothing to worry about.
The only people who received early copies during the kickstarter were some youtubers, the rest of us mortals will either receive a playable version in December, or the full release in September 2014, depending on our pledges.
Head over to their main page here for all the info about pre-ordering, where you can also back through the Humble Bundle. $30 will net you the December release + the full release, $15 will net you the full release next year.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask
Well, umm, yeah… sorry about that, by the way. : P
right… you have officially been added to the “short list”… i’ll let you infer the meaning…
on the plus side, this thread did result in the generation of this thread… so, thanks @Flammen, and here’s another welcome aboard!
Speaking of the various lists, what happened to that title you promised me, oh mighty Steveathan? Mr. Adamo?
I just like to call it the Beta (December Release) and welcome ManofRet
Huh? I’ve been around for, hmm… simple calculations approximately 18 years! No, but I’ve actually been around almost since the conception of this forum.
Oh, sorry, I ment Flammen, you were sitting right there and you both have default avatars so I got you two confused
@Geoffers747 had a good reason to leave this open for the day (and he may trump me and reopen it when he wakes)…
but for now, i think we can close it down…