Hear me out as I know a title like that will draw in some of the forum’s Knights, or at least the Clerics for damage control ;D
Anyways, hello there friends I am Ramsis, a fan of the game and someone who has been following since well before the successful Kickstarter. Like many I was drawn in by the ideas, the goals, and the pure compassion that you could feel from the small dev team. As the years have gone on we’ve all watched as that small team grew, got better, became far more functional and as of late quite well funded, etc.
Today I step forward with a problem that is one that I hope will spark a good discussion not filled with hate or chaos. Stonehearth… is really dull after all these years… I know, it’s a horrible thing to say about a game I’m happy I bought, but it’s sadly the truth. The game really has yet to bring anything to the table after all this time that really makes it stand out. You start with your Hearthlings of a small number and get your jobs sorted out, farming chores and zones situated, mass harvest everything you can see on screen. After a few days something will wander into your base and your little soldiers will take it out with relative ease.
Maybe you’ll build a house or two, an ungodly task that will put some of your Hearthlings out of commission as they try to understand what they are actually supposed to do with the task you’ve given them. Some of you will be unlucky and you’ll watch as they get stuck, maybe you’ll be lucky and the building will take you less than a half hour to have been built completely.
Classes are… interesting but nothing too noteworthy. You have a few starter classes that get the job done just fine, sometimes you’ll hit a point where you can advance them to their next form but at the current state of the game they don’t really do too much to change up any gameplay other than opening up some new crafting chain for better this or that which maybe down the line will change things up a bit but for now don’t.
Combat is straightforward. You’ll get attacked at random by beasts and monsters every other day or so depending on your difficulty and unless you lost a footman incredibly early on you’ll usually fair out pretty well. A cleric usually means the survivability of one footman alone is greater than most waves of mobs can take out, lord help you if you have two footmen and a cleric or even multiple clerics even the biggest baddest enemies don’t stand a chance in combat.
Most people will bring up "well the game is still early early development!
To that I point towards the roadmap. Currently it’s getting more and more full every update until we eventually hit the point of full focus on Multiplayer, which if this is the game we’ll all have by the end of the development process I can’t promise Multiplayer is going to make it more interesting.
Who knows, maybe I’m just completely off in my opinion but I just figured the game would be so much more than what it seems like it’ll be by the end of this crazy adventure.
What do you all think?
Edit: I have just been told that the original devs have actually left the Stonehearth project and actually gave it over to a completely different team. Not sure if this is true or not, I was just under the assumption the entire group worked on the game.