Humble Freedom Bundle

Humble Bundle is currently offering a large bundle, with 100% of the proceeds going to charity.

From Humble Bundle:

  • Over $600 worth of incredible stuff
  • 100% goes to charity
  • Redeem games on Steam
  • DRM-free books
  • Humble Bundle will proudly match your contributions up to $300,000.
    Support the ACLU, the IRC, and MSF and help us reach our goal!

Note: This is not an endorsement, just something in which people might be interested.

Edit: Forgot the link :flushed:.


@Brackhar mentions that each game in there was one of his personal favorites the year it came out :smiley:


This bundle is an incredible value, and I can personally vouch for almost every game in the set. $30 is worth it for the Witness alone, which currently retails at $40 and almost never goes on sale.


Subnautica is worth it too in all its beauty and terror of the depths.

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Just hopping in here to chime in and say how awesome humble bundles are! Wonder if Stonehearth would ever consider trying to be put in a bundle!

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