I have two suggestions for one of the best quality of life improvements to come to stonehearth: The crates! First, as I may have mentioned, the crates are amazing! I love not having fields upon fields of wooden logs and boxed corn! The crates inspired some new ideas, though, that could make them even more convenient.
1. Specific Goods:
I like segregating my work spaces and closely controlling who is pulling from what box. Being able to send wood to one crate and stone to another is a great first step, but we run in to some disambiguation issues when it comes to furniture, weapons, and plant products. Being able to specify, say, silk thread for my weaver products room and wheat in my farmer’s hut would be a HUGE help. Specifying the boxes near my woodworker for wooden furniture and the boxes near my mason for stone furniture would REALLY improve my ability to find items, as well as my productivity flow. I know hearthlings already target the closest applicable boxes, which helps, but I desire more complete control over my storage solutions.
2. Crate Priority
There would be several good ways to implement this, but here’s the basic idea. The ability to tell my hearthlings to prioritize one box over another would really help my sorting. By telling them to target the boxes nearest to my mason with raw stone FIRST, and THEN sending it to overflow storage, I could more conveniently optimize my craftsmen. Whether this takes the form of numeric priorities (the higher the priority number, the more likely a hearthling is to target it) or just a low/high priority toggle would suffice, as well.
Thanks for your attention, and I’d love to hear your comments!