How to increase spawn frequency and spawn sizes? Moar Combat!

Hey all. First post on here. I’m looking for a more brutal and unforgiving wilderness in Stonehearth. I feel with Alpha 14 the combat changes have been great, but with a single footman I’m pretty much able to defend an entire town for the most part with them taking very little damage.

Is there a mod or a config file change I can make to have more frequent enemy spawns and also increase the amount of enemies in the spawn event?

Also wondering if there is a way to tweak the attack/defense parameters of the mobs and hearthlings? Seems like the giant zombie should be kind of a miniboss but my wooden sword/no armor hearthling tears it up in a few hits without taking damage.

Please help me build a Dark Souls-esque Stonehearth.


hey there @turbohitler, welcome to the discourse :smile:

i dont believe that there is currently a mod like is, but there definitely are a lot of file you could make changes too in order to make something like that. i personally have not a clue what needs to be changed, so i’m going to page our lovely modding support @Drotten

As 8BitCrab says, there are some json files that you can change to make this happen.

If you haven’t already, you should, first of all, make sure that you can look inside the stonehearth main mod. You can do this by copying the stonehearth.smod file to some other place, rename it to, and extract the files in there.

Now, to change the attributes of the giant zombie: it is created using the original zombie definition file as a base (found in entities/monsters/undead/zombie/zombie.json), but it’s modified when spawned through the ambient threats campaign to make it bigger and such. The file in question is found in data/gm/campaigns/ambient_threats/arcs/trigger/ambient_threats/encounters/create_zombie_chest_camp.json.

Once there you can find the values for the giant zombie within "boss". There are a few values that you can change in order to make it harder: give it a new weapon, so it can spawn with something more deadly; increase its muscle attribute, which increases the melee damage caused by the mob; increase the max_health attribute, to make it more durable.

If you’re wondering at how to make a mod to begin with: take a look over in this thread to help you get started. You also should know how overrides and mixintos work.

If you’ve got some more questions, you’re always welcome to ask them. Good luck!


Cool, this will help me set up what I’m wanting to do,thanks for the tips.

Any tips on increasing the spawn frequency & amount of spawns? Any idea what the values are for those two attributes?

Easiest way to make it harder: (Notice for you, im very new in this part of modding)

e.g there are a json : entling_raid_7
in Stonehearth\mods\Neuer Ordner\stonehearth\data\gm\campaigns\ambient_threats\arcs\trigger\ambient_threats\encounters\trash_mobs

the interessting points:
“spawn_range”: {
“min”: 60,
“max”: 180
have fun with mobs which spawn near at you camp => less time to react.

"members": {
            "entlings": {
               "from_population": {
                  "role": "entling",
                  "location": {
                     "x": 0,
                     "z": 0
                  "min": 4,
                  "max": 5,
                  "range": 20
            "giant_entlings": {
               "from_population": {
                  "role": "entling",
                  "location": {
                     "x": 0,
                     "z": 0
                  "min": 1,
                  "max": 2,
                  "range": 20
               "scale": 0.2,
               "unit_info": {
                  "display_name": "i18n("
               "attributes": {
                  "max_health": 400,
                  "muscle": 130,
                  "exp_reward": 180

here you see
the points: min / max % the amount of enemys thats spawn
and under giant entling:
you could change max health, and muscle/dmg
also with scale you could make it bigger :slightly_smiling:

i hope thats what you want to know.

you could change this json, and use the mixintion in the manifest.json to implement it in the game as a mod.
if you need more help, we could sit us together and make a small hardcore mod. (PM to me :slight_smile: )

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Changing the spawn frequency is easy enough, amount of spawns is a bit more difficult; you’d basically have to modify all the encounters that spawn monsters against the player (those encounters can be found in the same folder as the encounter I mentioned above).

For the frequency: look for the three files (again, same folder) that starts with “generate_”. These three encounters are of the type generator which means that they spawn other encounters themselves, continuously. In short, they wait for a while, and spawn an encounter, and then repeats the process to spawn more encounters over and over again.

The time to wait is specified in the value for "delay". For generate_random_raiding_party.json, we have “12h+36h” as its delay, which means that: from anywhere between 12 and 48 hours from now, spawn an encounter. Just change this into a smaller value to increase the frequency.

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