How many hours have you played?

I do not know if this should go here, but I would like how many hours you played teammates, I take 213 for now. :sunglasses:


well i have 1200 something hours according to steam but the are definitely not effective hours. Since i tempt to leave the game running or forgetting it at times. i would guess the real number is around half that.


at the moment i am around 750 hours… :jubilant:


Oh that’s a loooooot of hours, Surely you will have some incredible towns, some advice or hidden secret? :yum:

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Well, I have unhealthy and unholy hours done on this game. I spent only a mere 112 hrs on steam… surely, tenfold that before i turned to play it on steam and also from playing on other PC’s, friends, etc. I’d say, a good 1500 hrs - enough to know alpha’s 10 to 16 inside out surely


My guess would be 600-800 range for me as well. Likely in the higher end


lots of guide here on the forums I know @BrunoSupremo has some good tips in his A noob builder learning new building tricks

At least i use a few of these but he put em on paper. :slight_smile:

But i guess i could think of a few other things i tempt to do like double walls, so i can make patterns in walls with windows. Blocks around the base of tress to control their size…

i tried to write bit of a guide how i design random houses here Anyone has a good building tutorial or tips?

But lots of other great posts on tips and tricks with a few searches or just looking at what other people are doing for that sake :stuck_out_tongue:


Played for around 200 hours in the early early stages, around 500 since alpha 12.

Building should be done floor by floor, where your furniture is placed before the walls and/or roofs.
Overproducing food is the best worst thing.
Make sure you dont use an area too big or your defense parties will not be there in time when the other end of your town is attacked.
Mines are great storage facilities
Selling stuff to NPC is detrimental to your economy.

many other things if you ask, I’m sure we can all answer most questions.



Steam Says about 250 ish but I originally bought through Humble Bundle, before I even Activated the key, I logged in at least 50, then i packaged it for mobile use on school’s computers, at least 150 from just school.


This makes me feel sad, I have played since alpha 1 and only have like 100ish hours of legit playtime.


Steam tells me i have played 200hours, i don’t leave the game on untended so i suppose it is quite accurate to my playtime, feel like i should play more though, hmm…


340 hours for me. :smile_cat:


Tooooooo many hours … :forlorn:

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about 200, up to 300.


577 hours on Steam. Pretty sure there’s been a few more off Steam as well.


In the last two alphas? Less than an hour.

I feel like I may have a problem…

I’ll add to this, and say each floor should be designed as it’s own building. That way you can use the slice tool to add furnitrue and see each floor.

Turn your inventory limit off, and this is no longer a problem.

Yes and no. Selling to NPC’s can help you in the beginning, but late game doesn’t do shit. At the same time, selling your massive stockpiles at the beginning of the game is great for getting mor people and increasing your town’s net worth. Later in the game…you need those resources.

I’m not quite sure where I started. I think it was Alpha 9, I just remember it was right before shields were added, and we still had stone bricks.


Ugh I remember stone bricks…


I have 850 hours record through Steam. I run the game through the exe shortcut though and since it’s not forced linked through steam it doesn’t record it most the time.

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According to Steam, I have 455 hrs played and plan on adding many more. Love this game and the dev team.