I tought i show some of my designs Redstarr225 on twitch
A stream almost every day
Looks awesome man, love the alliance destroyers
Glad you like it took a lil time to design it
damn that is nice, how much did you do by hand using slabs?
I love the style of your houses! Thanks for the inspiration
If you want to share them, you could upload them to http://stonehearthbuilds.esy.es/ .
i will sound like a good idea
somtimes entire buildings XD
i have to say xD you are Teriblle for your Peasent’s xD i can see beds on the grass xD U had to have great day to give them beds xD just kidding
awesome work
just building in progress at least they dont sleep on the ground i love all my lil hearthlings i try to help them
just building in progress

Lovely work as ever, I’m especially interested in that mill. how on earth did you get the windmill sail part? is it a mod or have I just been completely missing out on something useful in the tool set?
its part of Froggy’s Stonehearth Cafe mod,
its a mod a good one
what the guy linked bellow me its the one i have
Oh… be still my beating heart I obviously have to dig through this forum a little more thoroughly.
its a verry good mod get it
I see you posted your house to http://stonehearthbuilds.esy.es/. I like the design, I think I’ll download it
You are welcome i will post more with time