You can not sell the Herbalist Staff. A minor thing, but wanted to point out anyway. Steps to reproduce:
Make sure staff is in stockpile.
Wait for traveling merchant.
See if Staff shows up in list of sellable goods.
Expected Results:
Ability to sell staff. Actual Results:
Not showing up in goods to sell. Notes:
I’ve only noticed this on the initial merchant that sells shields, sword, hoe, etc… Not sure if I could with any the other since I promoted a person with it, but it was that merchant specifically. Attachments:
Version Number and Mods in use:
A14 2797 (latest one done on tuesday/wednesday) System Information:
NE56r48u (Model number)
I think people copy and paste this part too much so the chair part got in. Will make another pass today. Thanks for reporting it still isn’t fixed.
There were a lot of items to go through…