hay @Jack_Duskmark my herbalist wont make potions to any 1 know a fix?
Hey there @mike_collins, to double check, are you sure that you have all the ingredients needed, as well as a workbench that the herbalist can reach? For potions, is your herbalist of a high enough level? If you’d like, please upload your save so we can take a look.
To upload a save, locate the folder in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games
(assuming a default Steam install), zip the individual save’s folder (not the entire saved_games
folder), and upload it. If the *.zip
is less than 10 MB, feel free to upload it directly to the Discourse. If larger, please upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.
how do you zip it? i dont know how to zip it…sry
No worries! Here’s a more detailed set of instructions:
- Find the save folder for the saves you wish to upload. By default, they are located in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games
(assuming a default Steam install). - Zip the folder.
- Right click the folder (should be a long set of numbers).
- Left click on
Send to
in the menu that appears. - Left click on `Compressed (Zipped) folder).
- (Optional) Rename the folder to something different than the default set of numbers.
- Upload the save.
- If the zip is less than 10 MB, you can upload it directly. Either use the upload button
or drag and drop it into the compose window,
- If larger than 10 MB, upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.
save.zip (7.7 MB)
like that? is that good?
im also laging alot ingame how to fix that?
Sorry for the delay, was offline for a bit. Yes, that is what I needed, however, there is no herbalist in that save. Do you have more than one save?
As for the lagging, there are so many possible reasons for that. The first (and most likely) reason is hardware. What are you PC specs? CPU, GPU, and RAM?
Did you perhaps demote or promote your herbalist, @mike_collins?
There are a couple staffs available to promote a new one.
Also, I’d recommend using some crates instead of having those huge stockpiles.