Stonehearth Assertion failed**

A picture is worth a thousand words.

The game stop every 2 second everytime this shows up.

Hi Steven,

Thanks for submitting a bug report. Can you please provide a copy of your save game?


  1. Find the save folder for the saves you wish to upload. By default, they are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install).
  2. Zip the folder.
  3. Right click the folder (should be a long set of numbers).
  4. Left click on Send to in the menu that appears.
  5. Left click on `Compressed (Zipped) folder).
  6. (Optional) Rename the folder to something different than the default set of numbers.
  7. Upload the save.
  8. If the zip is less than 10 MB, you can upload it directly. Either use the upload button or drag and drop it into the compose window,
  9. If larger than 10 MB, upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.

It is happening on both these save game

1518827284638.rar (6.2 MB)
1518745945462.rar (7.7 MB)

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It is doing it for every save game. i can’t play.

Pinging @Relyss to review

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This happens to me in every game eventually. Save, close the game, reload the game and your saved game and 9 out of 10 times the game will go on for a while before it happens again. Sometimes a few minutes sometimes a few hours before it happens again.

Thanks for that. It’s good to know. If i find a solution i will keep you inform. but i am guessing the sollution will be a patch.

After 2 hours into game i had error.

release-790 (x64)[M]
Unknown C++ exception
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function 'execute’
stonehearth/ai/actions/idle_action.lua:59: in function <stonehearth/ai/actions/idle_action.lua:18>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘execute’
…ctions/unit_control/unit_wait_at_location_action.lua:18: in function <…ctions/unit_control/unit_wait_at_location_action.lua:16>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?

[C]: in function 'run’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:515: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:499>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:499: in function '_thread_main’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:273: in function <stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:270>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:270: in function 'f’
radiant/lib/env.lua:15: in function <radiant/lib/env.lua:14>


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Same issue. Would my save game be helpful?

This might be already fixed in the unstable version. :confused:
I need to rename the tag. Release 790 belongs to A23, not A24.

Edit: sigh, I think the error for that AI action is still there on A24, but it changed. :frowning_face:

Can I do anything to avoid it?