Help us reproduce the hearthling promotion bug!

Hi everyone,

Several people are reporting a bug where promoting one hearthling prevents other promotions from happening, or otherwise breaks the UI.

We are having zero luck reproducing this in house. If anyone can reproduce the bug, please reply with specific instructions for how you get the bug to happen. Videos or any other supporting information would be extremely helpful.



sorry if its obvious, but what do you mean? the bug where the citizens UI is empty? or is there a different one im unaware of…

@8BitCrab, it’s mostly related to the posts on this thread (near the end they start the theory that the bug begins after promotion):

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ok thanks @Relyss i was guessing that was the one, its strange though, i havent been able to reproduce it :confused:

Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro, 64-bit
DirectX version: 11.0
GPU processor: GeForce GTX 970
Driver version: 350.12
Direct3D API version: 11.2
Direct3D feature level: 11_1
CUDA Cores: 1664
Core clock: 1190 MHz
Memory data rate: 7010 MHz
Memory interface: 256-bit
Memory bandwidth: 224.32 GB/s
Total available graphics memory: 12247 MB
Dedicated video memory: 4096 MB GDDR5

Sorry, Not much to go on (Game 1)
Right before night fall, Very beginning of game Promoted Trapper, and then Promoted Carpenter, Closed promotion screen. Ppl sitting at camp fire, went to open residential screen to place a workbench for carpenter, screen blank.

(Game 2)

Set flag, Promoted a Carpenter, closed all screens. Re-opened residential screen to place a workbench, Residential screen blank.

Haven’t tried a third game yet.

Extra info - Total clean install, no trace of the game on puter. Installed, followed by a integrity check. Tried to save the game both times it happened, clicked on save button, It partial froze. Could still hit Esc key and the menu would open behind save screen but wouldn’t allow me to exit.

Only been able to play on the previous version (this is the latest unstable build btw).

Have fun with this head scratcher :stuck_out_tongue: jk Hope you track it down easily :slight_smile:

Challenge accepted, I’ll be back in 30mis.
Done, took 5mins. @Tom
Steps to recreate.(for me that is)

  1. Start new game(literally anywhere)
  2. pause game
    3.(not sure if necessary but its what I do) check stats of hearthlings, through the C pop-up menu, find the 1 with highest movement speed and promote to trapper
  3. (sometimes gets stuck before this, sometimes after this) repeat step 3 but with lowest movement speed and carpenter instead

EXRA DETAIL(might help):
I paused the game to check stats before they moved the tools so someone could actually promote.
I unpaused to let them ‘place’ the tools on the ground then paused to promote.


hmm… strange, i did that exact same thing earlier but it didnt bug out on me :confused:


Recreated again to double check.
For a fact it is these steps for me

1.Pause game immediately after it starts.
2.Check stats of hearthlings
3. click the hearthling you want to promote and click change job
4. be sad cause it says you cannot become a trapper
5.hit escape and close menus
6. hit double speed play
7. after the hearthlings place down the starting material pause it again.
8. try to change stuff or look at the UI should be broken.

Choose a job UI

Game is paused though its stuck on the >> button, says i have Amelia Prestin selected when I clearly have the banner selected.

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maybe my game is special, ive found very few bugs so far… :smirk:

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Picture Guide to Reproduce @Tom
these are a mix of 2 plays to get it done because i forgot to screen cap 1 step during the first 1.

  1. start up a new game
  2. pick normal mode
  3. Place your town anywhere(maybe only foothills? dunno why that’d matter)
  4. Pause Immediately upon start

    5.Stat checking
    <img src="//" width="“345” height=“182”>
  5. Cannot promote to trapper because the game stats with a hearthling holding the knife
  6. Let them place the stuff
  7. Open stat selection again and try to promote

I have a black belt in game breaking.


thanks for all the extra legwork! :+1:


No problem, would’ve made a video of it but my video recording software hasn’t been nice lately :smile:

For this experiment below is what I consider the full symptoms of this bug to be, I will mention any parts I notice not occurring on an attempt.

citizens tab blank - change job button missing - lower bar goes weird - can designate trees to be cut but harvest designator is deacvtivated afterwards and you have to re-click it (goes for all zone placers, harvesters, building) - all premade buildings are missing - button for finish editing is missing from designer - town inventory menu blank - after saving “saving…” is stuck on the screen - can’t interact with the save menu after clicking save - loading the save will result in a missing GUI

latest build 2395 (64x)

1st attempt: This is my usual process starting a world and thus the reason this bug bothers me so.
Start new world - place flag - designate trees to be cut - designate berries to be - create stockpile for everything - create stockpile for just food - Switch everything stockpile to wood - open citizens tab - click through all your hearthling’s stats pages - select a hearthling through the citizens tab - close stats page - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
bug occurs

2nd attempt: No tricks, just a straight promotion.
start new world - place flag - open citizens menu - click first hearthling on the list - click citizens menu change jobs - promote to carpenter
No bug

3rd attempt: Just like the first attempt but without any harvesting.
start new world - place flag - create stockpile for everything - create stockpile for just food - Switch everything stockpile to wood - open citizens tab - click through all your hearthling’s stats pages - select a hearthling through the citizens tab - close stats page - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
bug occurs

4th attempt:
start new world - place flag - open zones tab - open citizens tab - click through all your hearthling’s stats pages - select a hearthling through the citizens tab - close stats page - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
bug occurs all parts of bug except blank citizens page

5th attempt:
start new world - place flag - open citizens tab - click through all your hearthling’s stats pages - select a hearthling through the citizens tab - close stats page - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
bug occurs all parts of bug except blank citizens page

6th attempt: closed the stats page before selecting a hearthling through the citizens page
start new world - place flag - open citizens tab - click through all your hearthling’s stats pages - close stats page - select a hearthling through the citizens tab - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
No bug

7th attempt:
start new world - place flag - open citizens tab - click first hearthlings stats - select first hearthling through citizens tab - close stats page - use citizens page change job button - promote to carpenter
bug occurs all parts of bug except blank citizens page

8th attempt:
start new world - place flag - open citizens tab - click first hearthlings stats - click on a hearthling - close stats page - click change job on the selection info - promote to carpenter
bug occurs all parts of bug except blank citizens page

9th attempt: I’m sure by this point you can see where the bug occurs from, at least for myself
start new world - place flag - click a hearthling - open it’s stats via the tools on it’s selection info - close the stats - click change jobs on selection info - promote to carpenter
No bug

At this point it would appear to me that for whatever reason opening stats before selecting a hearthling is a big nono.


I did some testing on this as well as I am also experiencing this.

  1. Start a new world.
  2. Open the citizens panel.
  3. Look through the citizens stat pages.
  4. Select one to promote.
  5. Wait about 10 seconds after the promotion animation is complete and try to repeat for next job.
  6. Some parts of the GUI no longer respond or are not populated with information.

I noted that if I left the citizens panel open during the promotion the citizens would still be there however the hearthling that was promoted would not show the change in job nor would the stat button respond. If I closed the citizen panel and reopened it would be blank.

When leaving the citizen panel open I could select another to promote however the job panel would be blank.

After reading @Mogarl’s post I decided to test the ‘stats page’ theory. Upon trying both ways multiple times I could not reproduce it consistently with just viewing the stats page as a variable.

However, I believe I have found a way to consistently reproduce it. I noticed that it happened more often when I had the game paused then when I didn’t. So I started testing based on that. What I found was that when a hearthling takes a long time to do the promotion the bug occurs. So new reproduction steps:


  1. Start a new world.
  2. Pause the game or send the hearthlings to do a lot of tasks away from the promotion tool.
  3. Promote a hearthling and take at least 30 seconds to reach the promotion tool.
  4. Bug out.

No bug:

  1. Start a new world.
  2. Do not pause or send the hearthlings to do a far away task.
  3. Promote a hearthling and take a small amount of time (sub 5 seconds) to reach the promotion tool.
  4. No bug.

Here’s some screenshots and a log:


YEEESSSSSSSS. Oh the satisfaction. This will be fixed in the next release.

Thanks @Aviex and others for the super detailed breakdown. It turns out there was a bug when hiding the character sheet that was borking the entire UI. So this bug would occur if you followed these steps.

  1. Open the character sheet
  2. Close the character sheet
  3. Select a different hearthling
  4. BOOM.

So, isn’t debugging fun! The “bug promoting hearthlings” had absolutely nothing to do with the promotion screen. That one was totally ok. Yay.


you know, i gotta love TR, because you guys actually ask for our help to track down bugs :blush:


I think it might have something to do with keeping the hearthling selected while it is promoting. Like if you decide to promote Phil and you keep Phil selected so that it shows his name at the bottom left corner, the UI along with the ability to select items, fails to work.