Promotion bug causing blanked out ui

Promtion bug
Promoted my stone mason to potter then a hearthling to stone mason.The UI blanked out had to reset with f-5
Steps to reproduce:

  1. promoting the same way

Expected Results:
promotions to go well
Actual Results:
UI blnaked out
I’ve got this saved before it happens if you want it.just have to load save and repeat steps.

develop-2710 (x64)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
    at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
    at null.<anonymous> (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
    at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
    at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
    at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
    at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
    at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
    at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
    at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
    at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25)

Versions and Mods:
System Information:

Never seen this before myself, could you upload the save?

sure uploading I’ll edit it in on top post.30min ish on dropbox
I’ve still got alot of bugs from 2699 to report with the trapper AI,object placement and sappling.
Working on recreating them on 2710.Its alot harder to do cause the enemies are actualy much more powerful.

Can you double check the save you uploaded…it seems you already have promoted your Mason to a Potter…unless I am supposed to create another Potter’s tool and promote the Mason to a second Potter…

oh yikes!sry I’ll go about recreating it I’ve got to many saves atm.I think it auto saved over that must’ve been the primary.You may be able to recreate it by demoting them and remoting them.
I think its caused by the class upgrade item being used by the 1st mason then put down when he turns into a potter.The worker then trys to get it for a stone mason change.creating the error.
/facepalm,my bad

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Alrighty, in the meantime, there is a UI error posted, so paging @yshan!


i also got the same result although i had the promotion menu open for when i can change someone else to the potter

error code

develop-2710 (x64)Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefinedTypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
    at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
    at null.<anonymous> (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
    at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
    at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
    at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
    at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
    at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
    at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
    at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
    at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25)

Job Promotion UI Error

Job Promotion UI Error caused by having the job selection window open when the available jobs change.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Promote a Hearthling
  2. Before the promotion actually happens, select another hearthling and open the job tree selection window again. Leave it up while the promotion happens.

Expected Results:
The promotion completes, and the job tree selection window is dynamically updated to reflect the change.

Actual Results:
An Engine Error pops under the job tree selection window and the job tree window itself blanks out. A regular F5 UI reload restores it.

You can see it happen at 1:06:30, here: Video


Versions and Mods:
Alpha 13 dev-2720 x64, no mods

System Information:
Win10 x64

Crash Data

 develop-2720 (x64)
 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
 TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
     at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
     at null.<anonymous> (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
     at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
     at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
     at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
     at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
     at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
     at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
     at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
     at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25))

Update the tag on this to indicate dev-2720 as well?


I’ve had this happen on the current build as well. A13-R489


Having the Promotion gui open when someone changes jobs


release-489 (x64)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
    at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
    at null.<anonymous> (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
    at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
    at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
    at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
    at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
    at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
    at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
    at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
    at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25)

Versions and Mods:

release-489 (x64)

System Information:

Windows 8.1
Manufacturer: ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz
RAM: 12 GB
System type: 64-bit, x64-based processor
Display Adapters: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650


Not game breaking F5 and all continues to work.

Hey there @Christopher_Limb, welcome to the Discourse! Thanks for the report, paging @yshan to see this…

I made a under the mountain room to put all my storages in. I play with the map looking like this.

Here is the storage pic.

I had a cook staff and upgraded my farmer to cook and got this error.

release-489 (x64)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'stonehearth:promotion_talisman' of undefined
    at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
    at null.<anonymous> (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
    at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
    at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
    at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
    at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
    at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
    at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
    at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
    at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25)

This error didn’t repeat when I upgraded a worker to farmer after the cook was upgraded.

Hi there,
I think I have fixed something like this in a14.

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@yshan, did this fix make it into dev 2786?

yes, this one should be in a14.
Let me know if you see it again

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release-491 (x64)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘stonehearth:promotion_talisman’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘stonehearth:promotion_talisman’ of undefined
at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:322:63
at null. (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:250:19)
at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:248:15)
at null._updateTalismanData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:321:18)
at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
at set (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:18093:25)

I uh… just wanted to stick this in here. It’s an error I got earlier that thankfully I fixed. This happened after I promoted my current Carpenter to a Blacksmith (on accident). Luckily I went back to a save just before I selected the promotion and it was undone. Not sure if you guys want any and all bugs you can get but here ya go!

Hey there again @Bea: moved this post here, this error has been resolved in Alpha 14, so when Alpha 14 is released to the main Steam branch you should not see this error anymore.

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Awesome! Just wanted to make sure. You guys rock ^-^

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