Hearthlings Eat Food Even If They Are Going to Complain About It

Hearthlings Eat Food Even If They Are Going to Complain About It.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have plenty of all food types.
  2. Watch hearthlings eat.
  3. Watch them complain about picking food they didn’t want.
  4. Hate the guy complaining about eating Mutton.

Expected Results:
Hearthings don’t eat what they don’t want unless there is no other option.

Actual Results:



Version Number and Mods in use:
release-701 (x64). No Mods.


That is strange, not eating the same all the time,strange to complain about eating ROASTED LAMB. WHO IN THEIR SANE THOUGHT WOULD DO THAT.
I might sound like im joking, but it also happened to me. Tho eonly thing I had to do was to reset the game

I agree the food system needs a revisit for sure