Noticed that after I slaughtered a bunch of my shepherd’s rabbits for their meat, the “Gripes” page in my journal filled up with many, many entries about how sad all my stoners were that Rabbit had died.
Noticed that after I slaughtered a bunch of my shepherd’s rabbits for their meat, the “Gripes” page in my journal filled up with many, many entries about how sad all my stoners were that Rabbit had died.
hahhaha that is awesome
well… just dont kill em’ all at once if you want a happier town
Note the scroll bar. So many complaints!
It may be because my Shepherd had a pet Rabbit he had befriended, in addition to all the meat rabbits.
Also dropped my “safety” rating on the town morale sheet down to like .5
Further addenda: same thing happens if you slaughter Poyos. Town safety rating down to .1 !
Ouch lol. Just building my first pens for livestock right now…hopefully this is just an occasional bug and not a universal bug
Hmmm the way they talk about it, it actually looks like they are talking about a dead hearhling.
Hearthling btw is the name we agree on using btw
I can definitely confirm this bug. My morale in safety instantly tanked when I started the wholesale slaughter of my rabbit flock.
On a related note…they breed…a LOT…I just culled 85 rabbits that were in and around my enclosure and they’re still breeding almost as fast as I can kill them lol. I had to get rid of the pasture and now just trying to get their numbers down in the little valley I’m in…ie- I turned my valley into Australia.
I can confirm the amount that they breed, I also had to remove my rabbit flock, even having a small area for the rabbits 10 x 10 was as small as I could get it. they still bred like crazy. it got to a point where I had to remove them all in all.
[quote=“Boulderboy, post:8, topic:16739”]
I can definitely confirm this bug.
[/quote]i dont really think this is a bug… but i could be wrong…
@yshan @sdee @Albert, are you suposed to have a decreased morale when you slaughter your livestock? and is rabbit breeding supposed to be super high/fast?
It’s a bug that killing livestock is considered the same as hearthlings dying. You’re not supposed to take a morale hit.
Rabbit breeding is supposed to be super fast (they breed like rabbits), but perhaps it is too fast. I will take a look at the numbers
thats what i was guessing…
I think it would be manageable if the rabbits stayed penned in. Having the ability to open the gates and let themselves out means they spread out incredibly quickly and continue to breed. They come back to the pen for food but quickly leave again when they’ve been feed.
Currently I have two shepherds and one of them just shuttles food back and forth to the pens (mostly to the rabbits).
Is there a population cap that relates to the size of the pen? Not having them harvestable with the harvest tool means clicking each one individually in a giant writhing mass off rabbits is pretty time consuming…especially once the herd is mature and they’re breeding like…well, like rabbits lol
they should make it like the maintain in stockpile… so you select your field, and rabbits pops up, then you set the max amount you want, and your shepherd automatically harvests the excess.
I agree, automatic harvest when numbers get too high is a must. Right now its to much micro management