Gold not counted as Wealth if not in Stockpile

Gold is not counted toward your wealth unless it is in a Designated Stockpile Zone. If it is elsewhere on the ground it does not count towards your wealth.

For example I had a stockpile zone that had all of the gold in it. I wanted to move the gold so I made a new stockpile for only Wealthy items. I removed the wealthy items from the original stock pile. They say there until they Hearthlings decided to move them to the new designated stockpile. I had a trader come and it showed 0 gold because none of it was moved yet. Then a daily update happened and showed I only had 200 gold. I looked at the new stockpile and sure enough there was 2 gold piles there.

I think that’s clear. If you need more information please let me know.



welcome to the discourse @Brede

currently any items that arent in a stocpile are not considered towards your networth, im not certain this is necessarily a bug or not.

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It is a design oversight: working as intended, but now undesired! We’re fixing this when we overhaul the inventory in A11.


yet another thing to look forward to in Alpha 11 :smile:


Thank you both for the quick responses. Im loving this community already! :smile:



it definitely is a loveable community! :smile:

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