Goblins fighting Zombies!

I have no idea of which topic to place this in, so I’ll just go with feedback. I was building a very nice little town in the latest release, getting my 100% Lua usage when a multiple story building is being build, normal bugs. Although It was annoying that I could’nt build my dreamt city, I did notice that once the goblin town spawned, and I had build a big gate between them and me, walling the rest of my city with an easily dug moat, the goblins would actually serve a nice alliance.

At night, they’re killing off all zombie threats!
I have no idea if this is intended, but I’ll just pay the goblins some low tier cost (usually 8 rabbit pelts and 13 Silk weed or so, and given that my town is well-developed, that’s almost like paying nothing at all) and they’ll defend my town from the undead invaders!. This is a very interesting experience.

If this is intended, well, cool!
If it’s not, please, don’t fix it? Idk. I kinda like how I got a big brother fighting my enemies outside while I just sit and relax building up.
Anyone experiencing the same?

P.S. I’ll upload pics as soon as my lua usage returns to below 100% :smiley:

i believe this is intended. if you “pay” the goblins and keep them as friends they will fight for you, but i think that after you stop “paying” them they will no longer fight the undead, could be wrong though.

They will fight the undead because they have no choice. The undead will fight them whether they like it or not.


I only thought that they were both the “enemy” team, and would both be working against me :smiley:

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Undead don’t care who you are. You alive? You good eats!


[quote=“druha, post:5, topic:13123, full:true”]
Undead don’t care who you are. You alive? You good eats!
[/quote] good to know, and good way of explaining :smile:

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Well… Tom did talk about how the zombies were enemies to like every other faction… So kinda right there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I see that as them taking my precious footman XP… I’ve still yet to get past level 4 - stonehearth keeps updating too fast.

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