I have no idea of which topic to place this in, so I’ll just go with feedback. I was building a very nice little town in the latest release, getting my 100% Lua usage when a multiple story building is being build, normal bugs. Although It was annoying that I could’nt build my dreamt city, I did notice that once the goblin town spawned, and I had build a big gate between them and me, walling the rest of my city with an easily dug moat, the goblins would actually serve a nice alliance.
At night, they’re killing off all zombie threats!
I have no idea if this is intended, but I’ll just pay the goblins some low tier cost (usually 8 rabbit pelts and 13 Silk weed or so, and given that my town is well-developed, that’s almost like paying nothing at all) and they’ll defend my town from the undead invaders!. This is a very interesting experience.
If this is intended, well, cool!
If it’s not, please, don’t fix it? Idk. I kinda like how I got a big brother fighting my enemies outside while I just sit and relax building up.
Anyone experiencing the same?
P.S. I’ll upload pics as soon as my lua usage returns to below 100%
i believe this is intended. if you “pay” the goblins and keep them as friends they will fight for you, but i think that after you stop “paying” them they will no longer fight the undead, could be wrong though.
[quote=“druha, post:5, topic:13123, full:true”]
Undead don’t care who you are. You alive? You good eats!
[/quote] good to know, and good way of explaining