Game slows down all the time

Yup, turning down the graphic settings is a workaround for the lag caused in the night.

I think it was actually caused by the shadows more than the lights, since they need to be calculated depending on the source of the lights and the shapes of the objects.

Welcome to the forum, btw!

thank you :slight_smile: i know it doesnt fit to this discuss but is tehre a way to post worker ideas? :smiley:

Yes, create a new topic in the #suggestions category :slightly_smiling_face:

hey @H3roDude and welcome to the discourse forums!
For any kind of gameplay suggestion, you could have a look over at Suggestions - Stonehearth Discourse :slight_smile:

nice thank you :slight_smile:

Well… don’t I just feel redundant now. lol!

i made one here: New workers: lumberjack and warrior

Yes. I think the most cause of the problem is the hearthlings indeed I think the developer have to fix this too. Also currently maximum 20 hearthlings , I think is not that many yet , they can implement more hearthlings but at the same time , reduce the laagyness :slight_smile:

How do you get 32 hearthlings? Mine only has 20 hearthlings at maximum

You can increse the maximum number in your game settings - the maximum in total is 50; keep in mind that the more Hearthlings your town holds, the more stress is put on your PC.

Oh I see. Thx! Ya I know , but 20 hearthlings are just not many yet ,I want more ! But I don’t want the laagyness… :frowning:

I’ve set my limit to 50, but I’ve never played long enough to reach over 30 tbh.
However, my computer is beefy and I don’t find any issues or lagg when playing Stonehearth; so it all comes down to how “good” your computer is I guess.
Try increasing it to 35. If you get lag, turn it down - if it runs fine, turn it up a bit more? :wink:

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And turn down your graphic settings, it should help reduce the lag at the night if you have placed many lamps.

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Does 8GB of RAM enough? Haha alright then

With 8GB I would highly suggest you to lower your graphics settings, as formerly suggested by @Relyss.
As far as Hearthlings limits go I am not sure - my way would simply be to try increasing and see what happens :slight_smile:

I got 32 GB RAM so I’m not expecting myself to be limited by my RAM any times soon :wink: