I left Towns off as the [development officially stopped 2 months ago][1]. Having said that, there was a small update a couple of days ago so development might be starting back up again … who knows.
[1]: Towns on Steam[quote=“jollins, post:5, topic:5893”]
i want to get this but i cant justify the price. its so expensive for an alpha.
Yer it is rather pricey… I’ve played it and it was definitely fun for a while, but if I wanted to purchase I’d definitely wait for the price to come down a bit,
Wiki for the game states that the development was passed off to Florian Frankenberger. So maybe it will be completed all the way, although the team when from the original 3 to just the one.
Ah well that means the update from the other day would make sense then! Although like you say, going down to one person can’t be the best thing in the world, or maybe it is, who knows, Gnomoria does just fine with the one guy!
I’ve recently had a craving for games that use time travel in various ways to accomplish different goals. For example, I’ve played both Braid and The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom both of which satisfy that requirement.
But I want more.
I love time travel. I’ve read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I watch Doctor Who. But, there doesn’t seem to be many games that revolve around the concept of time travel or manipulation thereof. Are there any ideas as to different games that employ this concept (effectively and entertainingly)? If the game looks good enough, I don’t quite care about the price, but I’d prefer it to be cheap. I also don’t mind what type of game it is. Platformer, RTS (that would be interesting), FPS, it’s all the same. Thanks for any help provided!
Chrono Trigger is my second favorite SNES game (aside from the almighty Earthbound), it has such an amazing plot and the multiple endings was a really nice touch.
Super Time Force, after looking at the link, looks phenomenal. Sadly, I’m one of the few people in America without an Xbox or an Xbox One.
Not as uncommon as you think. Microsoft tends to push Xbox One exclusives to the PC so who knows. Maybe the indie dev will like to port. Besides we’re all part of the glorious pc gaming master race.