Forge can not be filtered by unticking the “tools” in the stockpile/container filter, whereas every other workbench is removed from the stockpile/container when unticking this.
Steps to reproduce:
Have Forge in stockpile
Untick “tools” in filter
Watch as Hearthlings don’t remove Forge
Expected Results:
Forge be filtered out of the stockpile.
There is no “workshop” category among the filters. Every workbench, including the Anvil (The Forge’s younger brother) is included in the “tools” category, except the Forge.
Reporting that the forge still does not sort as a “tool & talisman” in build 701.
I have a stockpile (that I am slowly emptying a category at a time) with doors & windows / furniture / decorations turned on, and next to it a chest with talismans & tools. The forge was put into the stockpile.
I imagine when I get around to creating a separate repository for each of furniture / decorations / doors & windows (depending on what my needs are) I will find out where it gets sent!
If this is working as intended and workshops are considered furniture or decor, that’s understandable since they are room objects – but the sparklies threw me off.