For some reason my hearthlings want to hang out with the goblins

When night time comes and hearthlings are idle they’re supposed to hang out near the fire. But, ever since olgi the goblin came my heartlings seemed to want to hang out at they’re wicked fire. Weirdest thing is the goblins don’t even attack them. Now I don’t know if that’s just because I made peace with the goblins and gave them the stuff they wanted and that’s why they don’t attack the hearthlings but the fire pit thing is definitely a bug. plz fix this.
Steps to reproduce:

Expected Results:

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Version Number and Mods in use:
The version num is alpha 14
System Information:

is it? I am uncertain it is when there is peace.

I have for the most part finished the goblin campaign or well all that it would allow me to finish. The leader gave me a farewell, and never left. But at least it ended on a peaceful note. Now they roam in between a few goblin mini camps and the main camp as well min own. My hearthlings do on occassion go to each of their camps too.

That I much noticed. However really unsure if it is a bug or not, I just accepted it as is, since I didn’t mind the goblins around, as long they do so peacefully. :smiley:

if you ‘pay’ them their demands they will often hang out at your fireplace and your Hearthlings will also hang out at their fire pits

its a funny sight to see, kinda freaked me out the first time I did it :grin:

and welcome to the discourse @Chaoslord_2.0

(sorry if im beating you to the punch mods )


haha, no worry’s, always nice to have other people helping us out :smile:

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well if I know the answer or who to page ill try to do what I can. otherwise I poke a mod like yourself…


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