Here’s some first impression of Stonehearth after not touching it for a year. Version is release -463 or -465 (x64 intel).
- More polished interaction but more to be desired.
- More content and interactions available.
- Grouping for defense/offense is good. Pretty fine grain control :).
- Switching jobs (e.g. from foot soldier to worker or something else) would cause the weapons and armour to drop on to the ground and subsequently no way to re-use it. I suspect an idling worker would eventually pull the weapons and armour that have been dropped back into the stack ? I would suggest the NPC to walk to a stack and drop weapons and armour or items before switching jobs.
- Inability to fine grain assign weapons and armour and pick up weapons or armour dropped on the ground.and equip it or put back to stack.
- Pelts, wooden logs, weapons, ores, food and so forth dropped or lying around takes a very long time to stack back. The AI needs to be more efficient to manage a stack of jobs assigned to it vs. picking things up. If it is a normal worker just mining or building stuff, it should pick up pieces it passes by into it’s backpack and finally when passing a holding area, places the items back.
- Foot soldier patrol should be assignable (e.g. patrol walls and buildings).
- Game starts to hang and lag after a while. May crash the game. Saving takes longer.
- After substantial buidlings and items created int he world, the game characters simply hang or run on the spot endlessly.
- Workers are not building anything anymore despite having nothing to do,.
Does Stonehearth store the game file somewhere so I can send them to the relevant people to analyse the game ?
The log file is below here: