What you have so far looks good. The one thing that you might want to adjust is the font that you use in the top left box.
It gets a little pixelated and loses the look that it has when used as the main title.

The issue of making it searchable it’s really an easy or quick fix. The concept is called search engine optimization, or SEO, and is quite sought after by web developers.
The good news is that you already have some meta data in the site that will help, though you might want to try to expand this a little more if you can.
<meta name="keywords" content="Film reviews, TNC, The Nerd Creations, cinema, film, nerd creations"/>
Also when looking at the code, they provided you a section and hints on how to help with SEO in relation to Google.
Important Note About This Website's SEO
Find the SEO content of this site's homepage via http://thenerdcreations.wix.com/tncreviews?_escaped_fragment_=
(That is where search engines like Google go to read your homepage's content.)
To view the SEO content of your internal pages, such as "About", go here: http://thenerdcreations.wix.com/tncreviews?_escaped_fragment_=about/cjg9
(That is where search engines like Google go to read the content on your internal pages.)
For more information about Ajax Crawling technology, read Google's explanation here: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/
It might also help to seed your reviews with other common words that you wish the engines to pick up on.
You could use something like:
- This review brought to you by The Nerd Creations
- Author Name, film critic and staff writer at The Nerd Creations
Also I would make sure to signup for Google Analytics and embed their code into your site if you have that option. It will allow you to track how people are getting to the site, what they are searching for to find it, what other sites they might be using to link to yours.
In doing a Google search for “The Nerd Creations”, both your Facebook and Twitter feeds are ranked quite high, and also your logo is one of the first in the image list.
With some research and a little bit of work, I am sure that you should be able to get this site listed higher within this specific search. You’ll have a hard time with the more generic searches like “Film Reviews” based on the amount of content already on the web.
Hope this helps… I am not a SEO expert by any means, I just do some WordPress site development.